Post Game Recap: UNC

Post Game Recap: UNC


Comments (240)

The amount of people who excuse everything Mario does is also toxic. He had a good start to the year and we looked better. Now the comp got better and we look poorly coached and mistake prone. We did the same last year and year before and before. Even against atm we had a ton of mistakes but offense was on one esp tvd.
Yeah I mean let’s be real this UNC game was always gonna be a really tough win. Most people picked 8-4 or somewhere in there with a loss to UNC

The 4-0 start was nice. I also support the fans that just genuinely want to celebrate when we win and not necessarily ignore the problems, but just put them to the side while they’re trying to be happy. After last year I don’t blame anyone for that

But the GT game was the Football Gods reminding us that we still have an extremely long way to go and you should have doubts whether the man in charge can get us there
In full force like always lol
Stop being ridiculous, it's not cultish to think he shouldn't be "fired" 1.5 seasons in to his tenure. It's actually moronic to think otherwise. I don't really think anyone is pleased with the progress thus far.
I'd be curious to know your opinion on Norvell since FSU is undefeated.
Obviously not every starter is viewed as a star by fans. Stars get discussed more, and When stars don't perform up to expectation, they get trashed more, and no position gets trashed/praised as much as QB no matter what.

Jaden Davis doesn't have speed to cover anyone deep. We all know that. So when he gets cooked deep and we all see Kam/JW doing jack **** to ever help our CBs past 15 yards downfield,
How many guys do they have to cover for? Let's face it, we don't have a single cornerback that can cover anyone that has any speed or can get separation. They were like Hans Brinker sticking their fingers in the dyke. Eventually the dyke will bust.

Just look at that sequence where Jaden Davis got a PI penalty against Walker. I thought that PI penalty saved a TD. UNC went back to it the next play and got one.

The only way to hide a mis-matched backfield is to get pressure and quicken a QBs decision time. We did it for the most part in the first half but did not in the second.

I think it's reasonable to be a little more ****ed at the guys that are supposed to be "the guys". Personally I'd be starting the Brown brothers and any other young guy that is going to step up. but Devante has played sparingly early on and drew PI on like literally every ball thrown his way. Porter has been fine. Nothing too bad or good. I think he's fine as one outside CB. Couch has been meh. Personally I rather have Davis playing Couchs role and have literally anyone else at outside CB, but I'm also not saying Addae is doing a good job... so
Isn't that the role he played against A&M?
Honestly we had fire manny after a year. How is this any diff?
this is different because we absolutely cannot and will not fire Mario for at least 3 more years so it’s a waste of energy to even talk about it

Don’t forget not only did we give him the contract, we also surrounded him with his buddies and the resources he asked for

We have absolutely no way out of this relationship
this is different because we absolutely cannot and will not fire Mario for at least 3 more years so it’s a waste of energy to even talk about it

Don’t forget not only did we give him the contract, we also surrounded him with his buddies and the resources he asked for

We have absolutely no way out of this relationship
I agree I meant in fan conjecture. I know he’s not getting fired. We can’t afford that buyout
Stop being ridiculous, it's not cultish to think he shouldn't be "fired" 1.5 seasons in to his tenure. It's actually moronic to think otherwise. I don't really think anyone is pleased with the progress thus far.
I'd be curious to know your opinion on Norvell since FSU is undefeated.
You show me where I said he should be fired 1.5 seasons into his tenure & I’ll agree with you.
Agree. No point in firing up the planes. Ride it out and hope that Mario can keep recruiting better talent. We have to keep the coordinators so kids like TVD aren’t playing with new coordinators every year. Consistency on the staff will help with consistency on the field.
It was one of the most incredulous decisions ever made by a Head Coach.

Especially considering that he was made aware that GTech had ran out of timeouts & that we could kneel on it to win the game & he STILL decided to run it anyway...

It will likely be the marker of the season where everything went downhill.
Its the marker where Wario's coaching career goes downhill. Not sure I will ever forget witnessing that
Agree. No point in firing up the planes. Ride it out and hope that Mario can keep recruiting better talent. We have to keep the coordinators so kids like TVD aren’t playing with new coordinators every year. Consistency on the staff will help with consistency on the field.
The coordinators have been good imo. They are good coaches and I hope we keep them

Yes of course there’s moments and things we can over analyze with them, but big picture given our talent on both sides of the ball and our glaring deficiencies, I like what they’ve brought to the table so far
Where was this sentiment at after the TAMU game?
When we aren't doing good these people come out the closet talking **** constantly and saying see told you so I was right, but when we are winning they get to join in the celebrating with everyone else and get protected by the mods from getting **** talked.. **** is the most annoying thing there is. No matter what Mario Cristobal isn't getting fired here before year 5 at the absolute earliest. So people constantly *****ing about Mario with bull[BGCOLOR=initial]**** like ' derp kiffin would have been better' had no evidence and is just pure annoying. The fact is whether you like Mario or not he is going to be here a while and he very likely is going to receive more support from admin/boosters then you can hope any other coach would. So when people are constantly shutting in him and some (maybe not you) are basically going he fails, they're ignoring that the consequences of that are basically a football program that had no hope of ever succeeding. We ducking need Mario to succeed, period.[/BGCOLOR]

If people want to constantly complain about it coaches then we should be allowed to shut on them anything we have success, cause lies knows with every mistake y'all are out here talking ****.
When we aren't doing good these people come out the closet talking **** constantly and saying see told you so I was right, but when we are winning they get to join in the celebrating with everyone else and get protected by the mods from getting **** talked.. **** is the most annoying thing there is. No matter what Mario Cristobal isn't getting fired here before year 5 at the absolute earliest. So people constantly *****ing about Mario with bull**** like ' derp kiffin would have been better' had no evidence and is just pure annoying.

If people want to constantly complain about it coaches then we should be allowed to shut on them anything we have success, cause lies knows with every mistake y'all are out here talking ****.
So should people be happy with losses?
So should people be happy with losses?
If people want to take the stance of **** in Mario no matter what especially when they bring up that he should have never been hired, I'm saying we should be allowed to **** on them whenever we have success.

There is a difference between being happy with the state of things, and actually hoping Mario succeeds. Maybe this doesn't apply to you, but there are absolutely ******** here that love to trash Mario more than they hope he succeeds.

And the worst part is so many of y'all give zero thought to the ramifications of Mario failing here. Yall understand that if Mario fails, we can probably kiss all this commitment from the admin and boosters goodbye right

Talk about the loss, what we need to improve all day. Talk about the impact on recruiting and where we need to improve there. They're not above criticism. The problem is it isn't about wanting to see the program succeed for a lot of people here. Its wanting to be correct about Mario being ***. And there are clearly plenty of people here that for that category whether you wanna admit it or not.
Nailed the "we are not an air raid team".

Fundamentally, that is all about, get the open guy the ball right now...where we are:
1. Where is X?
2. TE don't worry
3. Harrell/Horton = go route
4. George = We will think about you later

It is hard to watch. Formationally, we look the same as many up-tempo, pass heavy teams, that doesn't mean we operate in the same way.
It just feels like the margins are so tight for this team, like they are for all Miami teams. We can't win ugly. We need everything perfect for us to win.
could have won ugly last week but the HC is an absolute moron