DE Herbert Scroggins IIi commits to Miami

DE Herbert Scroggins IIi commits to Miami


Comments (96)

Frame to add some size. Kelly looked like a great Jack before leaving. Scroggins has better bend and and is very athletic. Focused smart player.
It was brief but I did notice some relatively advanced moves for a young guys. Working with a Hall of Famer is gonna be awesome
He has to be the happiest man on the staff. He has never had this level of talent to work with. Under his leadership, this defense is going to be nasty for years to come.
Broyles award soon come.
Welcome to the U! Scroogins III sounds like a villain from an action movie. Glad we got this one and once again beating out Auburn
Guidry will be HC at some school like ULL if the year goes right. JT & DNic taking over as DC & Co-DC.

Why would Guidry do that? The coordinators at Bama were offered HC jobs at Top 20 schools. If Mario builds the program to that level, why wouldn't he work for Mario a few more years and jump the line to one of those jobs?