Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness


"Assigned species at birth"
Jan 2, 2015
Anyone interested in discussing what the **** is going on? Now the government has pretty much come out after years of obfuscations and denials that they have been investigating this phenomena under various programs for decades. Haven't seen this topic posted elsewhere. I find it very interesting!
I suggest watching The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch if you haven't yet. Not sure if you can catch up on Seasons 1 and 2 now, but Season 3 started last week.
Scared Fight GIF by La Guarimba Film Festival
I suggest watching The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch if you haven't yet. Not sure if you can catch up on Seasons 1 and 2 now, but Season 3 started last week.

been watching this... interesting that you have a convergence of all kinds of "supernatural" phenomena along with the UAPs in the same location.
There is no such thing as aliens visiting us.

These are either natural phenomena, or experimental aircraft, or toys, or drones, or hoaxes, or optical/mirage type effects.

Don’t be daft.

You could be right about that but what makes you so certain it isn't aliens? I think the most you can say that the ones not explained by natural phenomena, optical effects, experimental craft, etc. (admittedly a large chunk of cases) is that the evidence is inconclusive.

The fact the government is admittedly studying them leads me to think it is important enough for them to study it even though they may not be able to explain exactly what it is. They still have acknowledged the phenomena does exist.
You could be right about that but what makes you so certain it isn't aliens? I think the most you can say that the ones not explained by natural phenomena, optical effects, experimental craft, etc. (admittedly a large chunk of cases) is that the evidence is inconclusive.

The fact the government is admittedly studying them leads me to think it is important enough for them to study it even though they may not be able to explain exactly what it is. They still have acknowledged the phenomena does exist.

I mean we all have opinions, and I’m not saying mine are superior, I’m just basing mine on what I understand of physics, distances, biology, and time.

Based on that, the closest possible habitable planet, Proxima B, would still take thousands of years using known technology.

I’m assuming that light speed, or greater than light speed travel is not possible. No one has really come up with a scientifically plausible explanation of how it could be.

Unless someone can come up with a plausible explanation of how organisms can achieve lightspeed travel, then it’s unlikely that sentient beings will ever be able to meet, without multi-generational vehicles.

I do believe life exists outside of earth, the odds strongly favorite it, especially with the proof now that exoplanets do exist, but if you get a chance, and you’re probably already familiar with it, look up the Fermi paradox.

The distances involved are too great and the obstacles themselves are also too great for it to be plausible based on knowledge currently available.
I mean we all have opinions, and I’m not saying mine are superior, I’m just basing mine on what I understand of physics, distances, biology, and time.

Based on that, the closest possible habitable planet, Proxima B, would still take thousands of years using known technology.

I’m assuming that light speed, or greater than light speed travel is not possible. No one has really come up with a scientifically plausible explanation of how it could be.

When someone can come up with a plausible explanation of how organisms can achieve lightspeed travel, then it’s unlikely that sentient beings will ever be able to meet, without multi-generational vehicles.

I do believe life at exists outside of earth, but if you get a chance, and you’re probably already familiar with it, look up the Fermi paradox. The distances involved are too great and the obstacles themselves are also too great for it to be plausible based on knowledge currently available.

I don't disagree with what you have stated above and also have heard similar pushback on the "they are aliens" explanation behind the phenomena. But then there are more and more cases from military pilots and ex-government officials coming forth that have witnessed or worked on related projects that something really weird is going on (which is why I also included "high strangeness" in the thread title).

Pretty decent article that gives you a bit of background on the whole topic if you have time to read it.
I mean we all have opinions, and I’m not saying mine are superior, I’m just basing mine on what I understand of physics, distances, biology, and time.

Based on that, the closest possible habitable planet, Proxima B, would still take thousands of years using known technology.

I’m assuming that light speed, or greater than light speed travel is not possible. No one has really come up with a scientifically plausible explanation of how it could be.

Unless someone can come up with a plausible explanation of how organisms can achieve lightspeed travel, then it’s unlikely that sentient beings will ever be able to meet, without multi-generational vehicles.

I do believe life exists outside of earth, the odds strongly favorite it, especially with the proof now that exoplanets do exist, but if you get a chance, and you’re probably already familiar with it, look up the Fermi paradox.

The distances involved are too great and the obstacles themselves are also too great for it to be plausible based on knowledge currently available.
It's not about going fast enough to travel the's about distorting time and space to reduce the distance between origin and destination.

Except there’s no way known to do that.

Maybe it's not something you create through technology but something that already exists like black holes. There may be holes or tears in the fabric of space- time one can travel through and come out the other side to another place and time. I know it's speculative but these kinds of things are discussed in theoretical physics as possible.
Maybe it's not something you create through technology but something that already exists like black holes. There may be holes or tears in the fabric of space- time one can travel through and come out the other side to another place and time. I know it's speculative but these kinds of things are discussed in theoretical physics as possible.
Yes ..and if people want to talk science, the idea that this is viable must be accepted until it is proven that it CAN'T exist or be exploited
Let's then assume that in the 14 billion years that universe has existed, something somewhere has figured it out.

100 years ago we didn't know how to create heavier than air flight.

A few hundred years ago we didn't even know germs existed.

If it’s possible, why hasn’t anyone visited us with all the gazillions of possible habitable worlds out there.

Anyway, anything is possible except things that break the laws of nature and physics.

It’s fun to theorize about it, but until someone can reasonably say it’s possible, and by someone I mean like a particle physicist or quantum physicist or one of those brainiac guys, I just don’t think that it’s gonna happen.

But, maybe we’ll figure it out, but if we do, it won’t be for thousands of years. But then what the **** do I know I’m not a quantum physicist.
Maybe it's not something you create through technology but something that already exists like black holes. There may be holes or tears in the fabric of space- time one can travel through and come out the other side to another place and time. I know it's speculative but these kinds of things are discussed in theoretical physics as possible.

Going through a black hole will tear you into a gazillion million pieces while becoming infinitesimally small and infinitesimally dense.
I mean we all have opinions, and I’m not saying mine are superior, I’m just basing mine on what I understand of physics, distances, biology, and time.

Based on that, the closest possible habitable planet, Proxima B, would still take thousands of years using known technology.

I’m assuming that light speed, or greater than light speed travel is not possible. No one has really come up with a scientifically plausible explanation of how it could be.

Unless someone can come up with a plausible explanation of how organisms can achieve lightspeed travel, then it’s unlikely that sentient beings will ever be able to meet, without multi-generational vehicles.

I do believe life exists outside of earth, the odds strongly favorite it, especially with the proof now that exoplanets do exist, but if you get a chance, and you’re probably already familiar with it, look up the Fermi paradox.

The distances involved are too great and the obstacles themselves are also too great for it to be plausible based on knowledge currently available.
Who said that they have to travel light years to get here?