Coaching Getting to know Jahmile Addae


All American
Feb 3, 2018

“I think if you spend two or three minutes around him, you’ll realize this isn’t a job for him,” Addae said. “He’s not a hired gun. He’s not somebody that’s coming in to do this job to catapult him to the next one. This is where his feet are. That’s here, at the University of Miami. Every day, when he comes in, you can see the energy and the passion that he works with. And what that does to a staff, it forces everybody else to raise their bar up and match that energy, match that gumption, match what he’s doing for the program. It creates a competitive environment, not only for the players, but also the coaches. I think it breeds the best out of everyone.”

“I think if you spend two or three minutes around him, you’ll realize this isn’t a job for him,” Addae said. “He’s not a hired gun. He’s not somebody that’s coming in to do this job to catapult him to the next one. This is where his feet are. That’s here, at the University of Miami. Every day, when he comes in, you can see the energy and the passion that he works with. And what that does to a staff, it forces everybody else to raise their bar up and match that energy, match that gumption, match what he’s doing for the program. It creates a competitive environment, not only for the players, but also the coaches. I think it breeds the best out of everyone.”

This quote might be the best thing I have ever read on this site. It gives me great hope for Mario and the future of the program.
Stuff like this just lets you know we were dealing with amateur hour before...

The attention to detail and the explanation and layout of the plan is what we've been missing for so long. It's night and day the difference. When someone wants to do things the RIGHT way and there's THIS much support behind it, it's hard to think it won't succeed
Putting in that grind and hard work has to pay off come the Fall. The entire environment around the program has uplifted 100 fold.