2024 Zaquan Patterson - Safety, Chaminade

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Zaquan didnt play for the Ravens.

He played AGAINST them. He did play/ and is close with Vince Shavers who played with him and the ravens.

His connections at FSU are Conrad Hussey and Edwin Joseph from last class..thats it. He doesnt have 1 connection at Auburn.
Okay I got facts backwards. Thanks for correction. My main point is we have a lot of guys he grew up with on the team and these other schools have one or two guys that can sway him? Not sure that’s a legit reason and if it is….then we suck at this

Zaquan didnt play for the Ravens.

He played AGAINST them. He did play/ and is close with Vince Shavers who played with him and the ravens.

His connections at FSU are Conrad Hussey and Edwin Joseph from last class..thats it. He doesnt have 1 connection at Auburn.
Do you think it matters where he commits in the next week, or is it just fully open till NSD basically regardless?
Like it feels like if he picked us, It'd be high probability he's locked in. But if he picked someone else it seems like he's getting a bag, and it's still pretty open.
Do you think it matters where he commits in the next week, or is it just fully open till NSD basically regardless?
Like it feels like if he picked us, It'd be high probability he's locked in. But if he picked someone else it seems like he's getting a bag, and it's still pretty open.
Definitely no bias here. You’re right, let him commit somewhere else, no issues can come of it. Everyone knows he’s trolling short-term. Other programs must be so stupid to light their money in fire and accept his commitment.
Definitely no bias here. You’re right, let him commit somewhere else, no issues can come of it. Everyone knows he’s trolling short-term. Other programs must be so stupid to light their money in fire and accept his commitment.
"let"... who said that? Truly dumb reply.
Weird that his HS coaches would force him to commit. Kid could just delay everything and sign in the February period rather than commiting when he's clearly not ready. Whoever he picks on Saturday should basically be considered his leader at the moment but his recruitment will be far from over.
I don’t know where this is coming from that the OC should also double as QB coach. Nonsense. It’s not always so in the NFL, and hasn’t always been so in college. I prefer a dedicated QB coach if this is truly the most important position in the game. The role of the OC is to coordinate the entire offense and position groups, whereas the role of the QB coach is to technically develop the skill sets of the QB. So having Ponce and Gattis was not the problem. The problem was having Gattis.
Do you think it matters where he commits in the next week, or is it just fully open till NSD basically regardless?
Like it feels like if he picked us, It'd be high probability he's locked in. But if he picked someone else it seems like he's getting a bag, and it's still pretty open.
He also said in a interview when he commits he is locked in there lol but we will see
He also said in a interview when he commits he is locked in there lol but we will see
hmm, literally all i've seen (not that i've been looking very hard) is him complaining about how he doesn't want to commit, is being forced to, is still planning on visits during season and not shutting it down..
He’ll be a major flip candidate no matter where he commits this weekend, and that includes Miami. If he were going to any other HS, he wouldn’t be committing this weekend.
Agreed. A SoFla kid forced to commit before he wants and people don't think he'll be a flip candidate. I get it's a terrible look if he picks FSU but if he was picking Miami before he was ready these same guys would be crying about how all of our commits are flipping.
Yes the plan was to go national this class , they just didn’t expect to get their brains bashed in, and yes they know they’re getting their brains bashed in.

SFla is down this cycle especially in the trenches so going national was a must.
I don't know why people pull their own nut hairs out over anything not perfectly going Miami's way. That's one of the best **** answers I've come across that explained how probably a good number of people assumed the coaches certainly didn't put the recruiting plan that is doomed to fail. I thought we had a few stinker outcomes. As much inane dribble posted about the rapture for Miami recruiting is just yelling into a vacuum. What's the point!? What's the endgame other than firing up the mob to throw their bread back.

Thanks for what you do bring. And I understand 💯 why most have slowed the good news sharing place that is cis.
He’ll be a major flip candidate no matter where he commits this weekend, and that includes Miami. If he were going to any other HS, he wouldn’t be committing this weekend.
I don’t remember edwin joseph committing before last year season, didn’t he wait until after? I think this narrative is getting overblown, i think he could wait lol
I don’t remember edwin joseph committing before last year season, didn’t he wait until after? I think this narrative is getting overblown, i think he could wait lol

Good point.
I've defended Mario....but whiffing on this one would be an absolute failure. He was brought here to make sure guys like this didn't get away. He's making too much money a year NOT to sew guys like Patterson up. Spare me the record thing...Mario the recruiter doesn't get to use Mario the coach's failures as an excuse.

Homeboy better win 9-10 games this year or this is all going to come crashing down in a hurry.
Since the season ended we landed a top 7 class and a really good portal class. Upgraded the entire staff / scheme. Added two stud starters on the interior and a five star tackle outside. On top of flipping the entire roster. I know the recruiting class has been a bummer so far but some of y’all are off your rockers lol. There’s plenty of positives. Let’s wait until we lose two in a row before we drink bleach friend.
They expect to be #1 like Miami hasn’t been like Libya after Killary removed Goddafi
Honest question for anyone who wants to answer:

Has Patterson ever shown any indication that he is THAT interested in Miami? I know his mother reportedly wants him home . I was thinking about it and like Jeremiah Smith, I can't remember an interview where he gave any impression he was that invested in Miami.

Has he even attended any of the major on campus recruiting events? Any of the bbqs/pool party?

could be my memory is failing me... I know the word has always been "he'll be a Cane"
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