Zalon'tae Hillery

This young man is sunny odogwu 2.0 and it is funny that a few posters on here were critical of Miami's signing Sunny a few years ago considering he had only played 2 years of football prior to arriving at Miami and still has eligibility so the jury is still out about Sunny's UM career.

The good thing this time around is that coming to the Paradise Camp, UM coaches can work him out unlike Sunny's recruitment ( an for the record I liked UM signing Sunny).

Hopefully Miami can get a few more last minute attendees that are quality SDE\DT's to give the Olinemen a good workout such as: 2017 DT Jordan Scott, 2017 SDE Jonathan Garvin, 2017 DT Kane Taylor, and 2017 DT Rashad Colson.

Go Canes
I don't see him like odogwu at all.

And you misstate the discussion around odogwu, imo. Some folks here made him out to be some syd finch because he came from africa and had height and weight. People joked about him hunting lions with a spear. Others (myself included) were more skeptical and took a 'i'll believe it when i see it' approach. I don't recall folks saying we shouldn't have signed him outright -- but plenty of folks were concerned about our OL recruiting and refused to drink the cool aod on this kid.

IMO they were right. Maybe he'll contribute here, but he ain't what the romantics imagined.

This kid isn't like that at all. He's apparently a better athlete, he plays here, we can watch him, get to see him in camp, his teammate is committed, richt knows the hs coaches in that state, etc.

Forston wasn't really a fat kid in HS. He just had a so so motor.

Didn't Forston make into the NFL? Are we calling him a bust or just a little short of his overly exalted 5 star rating?

Forston was a bust. Him messing around on practice squads for a few years doesn't change that. The dude's a cop in Georgia in what should be his prime NFL years.
Yup. And the NFL has nothing to do with it anyhow. What matters is how he played at UM relative to his expectations amd rankings (and adjusting for any injuries). He did not come anywhere near being the player recruiting services hyped and predicted.
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247 jumps him from no stars to 3 stars just for committing. The kid will be at least a 4* star by end of season. Huge upside. He is about blow up.
Hard to tell much from that tape. Competition is bad and it's difficult to see how big he really is.

Apparently, this is Hillery's first year playing organized football. You can see some flexibility and athleticism. Good opportunity for him to test himself against local DEs.
Competition is bad ? He plays on the same team as Deejay right ?

They have a few good teams on their schedule and played for a state championship last year. Glynn Academy isn't a typical state power, but for whatever reason they are good right now.
Being reported on TOS that the commitment isn't official. Hillery doesn't want to be listed as a commit yet.

His coach stepped in and said he wasn't committing anywhere until he took all of his OV's.
But DeeJay can? This is weird. I bet his Alabama offer isn't committable and he waiting around to see if they want him. Either that or waiting on that UGA off and trying to hold a spot here on the DL. I hope im wrong tho and the kid wants to maybe commit on tv as well. Just pretty fishy.

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Being reported on TOS that the commitment isn't official. Hillery doesn't want to be listed as a commit yet.

His coach stepped in and said he wasn't committing anywhere until he took all of his OV's.
But DeeJay can? This is weird. I bet his Alabama offer isn't committable and he waiting around to see if they want him. Either that or waiting on that UGA off and trying to hold a spot here on the DL. I hope im wrong tho and the kid wants to maybe commit on tv as well. Just pretty fishy.

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Sounds like his coach already got a down payment with one of those offers.
He's showing he's committed on 247 either way it's on them because if coach gets another he's out
247 made him a high 3* star with a rating of 88(89 = 4*) and a composite of 86
So now 3 stars wanna be "silents"? Lol. Gets better every year.
He had no stars until he committed. Same with feagles. Hillery will at minimim 4 stars by end if year. He hasnt done the camp circuit to get the ratings. Hed be a 5 star if he was at the right scho with coaching. Huge upside

Don't understand is he in or not right now. The video says yes but others say is was premature . Pete staff clear this up because lot of us are scratching are heads
Seems like he's a great kid & all-canes. As of now I wouldn't be worried about what anybody is saying or reporting. You heard it from the horses mouth.