Z. White

Seems like he has several off field issues but he's delusional if he thinks he will ever get consistent carries. That's if he even qualifies.

Yup, nowhere as smart as you. Spend your welfare check well, my friend.

Lmao whatever makes you happy. I just graduated from college this winter and have already accepted a well paying job in my field but I'll get right on that.

I simply echoed what's been reported on the kid already by other posters here. Him and Lemons would be quality options but both could be ANQ/JUCO kids. Not my fault you're related to him.

Congrats on graduation and becoming employed, good luck man,

I'm already part-time employed and have been all throughout school, full-time during breaks, and I'll still be working two jobs but thank you I appreciate it.

Seems like he has several off field issues but he's delusional if he thinks he will ever get consistent carries. That's if he even qualifies.

Yup, nowhere as smart as you. Spend your welfare check well, my friend.

Lmao whatever makes you happy. I just graduated from college this winter and have already accepted a well paying job in my field but I'll get right on that.

I simply echoed what's been reported on the kid already by other posters here. Him and Lemons would be quality options but both could be ANQ/JUCO kids. Not my fault you're related to him.

Congrats on graduation and becoming employed, good luck man,

I'm already part-time employed and have been all throughout school, full-time during breaks, and I'll still be working two jobs but thank you I appreciate it.

Sounds familiar, much respect for your bulldog drive.
Z. white definitely has some growing up to do. Kid has all the talent in the world but not sure he can stay out of trouble. He just makes lots of stupid decisions and not sure he will be able to maintain the grades necessary to stay in college. I feel like he would be that kid that would be in Richts Dog House.