I hate this, but this is what I tell idiots who question my "right" to be a Miami fan. I was born in Baltimore, but moved to Miami when I was one in 1980. I lived in Miami until I went to college. My grandfather moved to Miami in 1946 after getting out of the army in WWII, and subsequently, my family, in one, shape or form, has had Miami football tickets since the 1950s. My mother used to be a professor at UM (now she's at FIU, though she's retiring this year). I went to my first Miami football game in 1984, and went to almost every home game from 1985-1996 (I went to away for college in '97). I moved back to Miami for a year in 2001 and went to every home game, before going to FSU for grad school. When I was at FSU, I still came down for 2-3 games a year. Since then, I've lived in Chicago, and now Chattanooga. I now have the season tickets for football, and though I only make 1-2 home games a year, I make sure the tickets are used by family or friends when I can't go. I also go to 1-2 away games since I live in the middle of ACC country (and, unfortunately, SEC country). I also grew up at the Light in the 80s, as well as the Knight Center, and went to every home game the year we went 0-18 in the Big East in basketball.
So, if any dumbass Gator or FSU fan wants to tell me I can't be a Miami fan because I didn't attend Miami, they can kiss my ***.
I did go to UM Law for 2 days before I realized I didn't want to be a lawyer. I still have my UM ID to prove it