Your Favorite Hurricane Memorabilia?

My Dad knows Jim Kelly's roommate in college. This guy took all Kelly's tests and got him to graduate. He and Kelly remand friends to this day. When Buffalo would come to Miami to play in the NFL days, they would get together to have some fun. I got a personalized signed football with his number to me! I wouldn't part with it for all the money in the world.
Too many to pick one.

-Couple of jerseys including Hester signed jersey.
-Jim Kelly signed hat.
-3 championship t-shirts.
-Bunch of SI covers, bowl game programs and media guides including 2001 team.
-Helmet signed by most of 2003 team.
-3' panoramic of orange bowl.
- One of a kind actual starter jacket from early 90's.
-Framed full page newspaper clipping with pic of me on orange bowl field after '98 ucla game win.
My Dad knows Jim Kelly's roommate in college. This guy took all Kelly's tests and got him to graduate. He and Kelly remand friends to this day. When Buffalo would come to Miami to play in the NFL days, they would get together to have some fun. I got a personalized signed football with his number to me! I wouldn't part with it for all the money in the world.
My brother had several classes with Jim and said he was never in class. LOL