Perhaps Bomb. Saying the right things means little however as you know. It's doing the right things that matter. He's doing the right things in a low-stress environment where he's likely the baddest dude walking on the field. While some people might say that this response to failure is meaningful, I would say that it's marginal evidence if any. The real stress test is when he's at a place like Miami where there are dudes that are just as good or better than him around him, taking his playing time, and who don't give a rat's *** who he is, where's he's from, or what he's gone through. If he can make it there, then count me in as impressed. I won't question Golden for taking him, but I wouldn't question him for not taking him either. It's a judgement call with the worst case scenario being that you have a local kid, with friends nearby, who becomes a cancer. That's a disaster for a coach rebuilding a program and creating a culture.