Xzavier Henderson Hits the Portal

Yeah it was some rumor about Rumph hurting his feelings. True or not, I’m sure there’s more to the backstory.
sounds about right for the henderson family. Wasn't CJH called soft or something like that by ol' coach Rump or am I misremembering?

Here's the thing guys. Most of these kids issues are mental...Ladson is the perfect example....has all the tools to be a BEAST but either doesn't love the game enough to unlock his potential, or a host of other things but ABILITY and potential isn't one of them.

Charleston Rambo was a WR1 for us under Lashlee when he had become an afterthought under LINCOLN RILEY's offensive system....let that sink in....NOT ONE OF US thought he'd leave as Miami with the all-time single season receiving yards title...but he did.

Rambo may not have been a "WR1" on a number of subjective scales but I would say, outside of the mope squad, that CIS would unanimously agree that he was WR1 on our squad and deservedly so.

My point is if Hendo is the best we can get...with the alternative being we get no one....we need to pay...because if he is projected to do what Rambo did...it will have been money well spent.
Aaron Paul What GIF by Breaking Bad
Bro.... Naw man.... No way y'all really judging this dude off of ONE rep from ONE drill.... Like I really deep down in my heart want to believe y'all are better than that.

I'm pretty sure all of our wrs would look better in that drill..... So I guess they all are better wrs??
Yeah it was some rumor about Rumph hurting his feelings. True or not, I’m sure there’s more to the backstory.

It wasn't a rumor. There were people at the practice session where it happened. Henderson was pouting and Rumph gave him some tough coaching.

I'm not sure what other backstory there could be.
Lol...dawg... Y'all are weird man. I'm not even debating with y'all today. Y'all win. Hey Mario, let's miss out on another wr because cis doesn't like how he looks in this one drill.

I watched it a few times and when I went full screen it was better than just the thumbnail. Sure, a lot of people will look smoother, but considering he's 6'3 or 6'4, I'm not concerned with a ball thrown behind him.

The tune will change as it has since it seems less likely he comes here now.
as reported earlier, i know for a fact that henderson told Miami players and CCHS alums that we wanted to play here at the U. i also understand that he felt that way upon arriving at UF. i am going to surmise that we either (a) didn't want him because he isn't better than what we have or it is a culture issue (my guess) or (b) we didn't believe what the wanted in terms of $$$ was worth the product we expected to receive.
IIRC, the myth is that he was at an All Star game practice and complained about how coaches were treating him, Rumph told him to man up, so he flipped to UF and the whole family has hated us ever since. I'm sure there's a lot more to the story.
Rumph probably told him he should try tackling someone
For the record, some of us have been telling yall this kid is a JAG from an Anti-Canes family.

Yall gave @Dmorgan15 sh*t for his stance, but he was right.

"JAG" is a tough one to know with certainty. I still think he was poorly utilized at UF, and maybe he will always be a JAG.

But the "Anti-Canes family" was the part I've been worried about all along. Not that he COULDN'T pick UM, but that he might never be happy at UM. Or that he would try to extort more promises from us than any other school.
He wants starting time. Mario said earn it. Can’t get mad at that ****. He isn’t Cohen.
Personally I have much more of a problem with dudes asking for guarantees to start than asking to be overpaid. First, that’s where culture issues start but more importantly because it’s not my money. If those are his demands then…..
