Xavier Lucas is a free man. Fickell is free to watch people ramrod his wife though.

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I’m no writer or wrestling booker but imo it’s time for a heel turn for TOC. Give the middle finger and walk to the back.

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pro wrestling GIF

Not my fault your posts are the same when real and sarcastic

Maybe should do italics for your sarcasm


I'm really trying to provide you with the benefit of the doubt here.

But when I said "we can make up any truth we choose to believe" and "I can invent any narrative I want to invent", how did you miss the sarcasm? How many other times have I said such obviously sarcastic things "for real"?

Look, you're just digging your heels on this. It's all good, if you really can't see the sarcasm in this, I'm not going to use "italics" to signal sarcasm. Again, are you confused by the sarcasm in the (edited) thread title? Because the thread title is not in italics either.

Considering that most of my posts use humor and sarcasm, maybe you should just start out from that default position.
I 100% agree with you. Your foil, is a 100% fraud. Here is the best way to deal with him...... He made some statements (admittedly fairly innocuous) about the de la Cruz family, so I showed it to them.........

Wow, not this tin-foil hat nut job garbage again.

You really need to stop with this made-up nonsense.

Here, it's very simple. Go ahead and search "de la Cruz" under my screen name.

I never said what you think I said. You are certifiably insane, and I guarantee you NEVER showed my "admittedly fairly innocuous statement" to anyone in the de la Cruz family. You are a liar.

Of all of the posts that I mentioned "de la Cruz", five or six of them were copy-pastes of the ENTIRE Board of Trustees.

At one point I said thIs:

And then you freaked the **** out three years later (since Carlos is an emeritus member of the BOT):

So, I will repeat what I've said before. Stop lying. Feel free to produce this mythical statement where I said I was a personal friend of both Alberto and Carlos de la Cruz. Because I never said anything of the sort.
Not my fault your posts are the same when real and sarcastic

Maybe should do italics for your sarcasm


Some days I feel like I need to lead off with
“Sarcasm post” because even the oldest jokes on CIS are missed by some.

Now I’m leaving this fight to the two of you since Lucas is no closer to the portal. Your battle is good entertainment.
I'm really trying to provide you with the benefit of the doubt here.

But when I said "we can make up any truth we choose to believe" and "I can invent any narrative I want to invent", how did you miss the sarcasm? How many other times have I said such obviously sarcastic things "for real"?

Look, you're just digging your heels on this. It's all good, if you really can't see the sarcasm in this, I'm not going to use "italics" to signal sarcasm. Again, are you confused by the sarcasm in the (edited) thread title? Because the thread title is not in italics either.

Considering that most of my posts use humor and sarcasm, maybe you should just start out from that default position.

Fine, all your posts are sarcastic from now on...
Tomorrow has to be the day.
There’s a reason I wouldn’t put a date or timeframe like some. He has until next Monday to enroll here (which I expect him to) but some people assumed it would leak out since Monday was the first day to enroll. So that or Tuesday made the most sense, a good educated guess. But that sets you up for a trolling when it doesn’t transpire exactly how you expected.

That’s why I just continue to say “ I expect him to be at Miami and he won’t be re-enrolling at Wisconsin”. Imo that’s all that should matter. Nothing has changed since this drama all started. Patience. Now back to arguing .
There’s a reason I wouldn’t put a date or timeframe like some. He has until next Monday to enroll here (which I expect him to) but some people assumed it would leak out since Monday was the first day to enroll. So that or Tuesday made the most sense, a good educated guess. But that sets you up for a trolling when it doesn’t transpire exactly how you expected.

That’s why I just continue to say “ I expect him to be at Miami and he won’t be re-enrolling at Wisconsin”. Imo that’s all that should matter. Nothing has changed since this drama all started. Patience. Now back to arguing .

I’m a Miami Hurricane fan. The only Patience I know works at Tootsie’s.
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