Xavier Lucas is a free man. Fickell is free to watch people ramrod his wife though.

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People need to stop with the “ tampering “ nonsense. These guys have agents and are constantly looking to make more money. Both sides reach out so this is irrelevant. There’s a reason the NCAA ignores the tampering stuff from the handful of crybabies. It’s the 2020’s version of Phil Fulmer crying about Bama paying for a top LB in the late 90’s. All of you do it so don’t play the victim.
It’s like tampering in the NFL. Every team does it.

People need to stop with the “ tampering “ nonsense. These guys have agents and are constantly looking to make more money. Both sides reach out so this is irrelevant. There’s a reason the NCAA ignores the tampering stuff from the handful of crybabies. It’s the 2020’s version of Phil Fulmer crying about Bama paying for a top LB in the late 90’s. All of you do it so don’t play the victim.
This is why I didn't understand the claim. These guys are all doing work behind the scenes. Makes for interesting conversations but that's really not anything.
I appreciate you. I hope that didn't come off as snarky. It does make sense. I just also believe it would be difficult to actually prove. The NCAA is like hall monitors in an elementary school at this point.

All good. I took you at your word. And I agree the NCAA doesn't actually want to police any of this. They get killed whenever they try.
You’re a Nincompoop
grenade GIF
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