Wr coach?

We need someone who can learn from Lashlee and take over playcalling duties in a couple years. Lashlee never stays at one place more than 2-3 years. Someone with a good understanding of pass concepts to aid Lashlee.

And while we're discussing WR coaches, now would make sense to get a young assistant from the pros from the Rams, Saints or Chiefs to come in as co-oc and TEs coach. We need an overall infusion of offensive coaching talent, not just one guy. Stack the staff with bright young offensive minds now so when Lashlee leaves in a couple years we have option on-staff.

Just got the call from my guy, says it's close and a home run but waiting on approval from Uncle Luke before working out the details, doing background check, etc.
Well if he's a friend of uncle Luke and we're waiting for his approval theirs no way he passes any background checks.
Well if he's a friend of uncle Luke and we're waiting for his approval theirs no way he passes any background checks.
CLOSE being the keyword. Actually the only word. The rest he says is dribble.
Need help here, what was Dennis Erickson's offense compared to a spread offense. Explain nicely please and thanks
Yes. It was a one back spread OF. Everybody ate! The difference will be Lashlee’s OF will be more hurry up where DE’s OF used a huddle. Dennis had this OF humming and now Rhett will take it up another notch.
Is anyone hearing any rumblings as to who is going to be announced? Seems like it's not going to be Cooney at this point which I'm fine with, he's good recruiter but I prefer someone with more college coaching experience.
Is anyone hearing any rumblings as to who is going to be announced? Seems like it's not going to be Cooney at this point which I'm fine with, he's good recruiter but I prefer someone with more college coaching experience.

Think I saw a thread from Stefan on the recruiting board that a WR recruit said that he would know who it would be in a few days. Not sure if that means they announce it publicly
He wants it but it’s looking like lashlee what’s his own guy.
This makes sense, Lashlee has been good about giving this offensive staff the benefit
Think I saw a thread from Stefan on the recruiting board that a WR recruit said that he would know who it would be in a few days. Not sure if that means they announce it publicly
Yeah I saw this story also, I don't see a reason they wouldn't announce it publicly unless its very controversial and even then everyone will find out eventually.
Yes. It was a one back spread OF. Everybody ate! The difference will be Lashlee’s OF will be more hurry up where DE’s OF used a huddle. Dennis had this OF humming and now Rhett will take it up another notch.