Wow we really are back

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Yes. 1,000 times over, YES.

We need EVERY UM FAN to get educated on this quickly, because all of your "so-called friends" are going to try to roast you on this bullcrap. ****, look at the dipsh!tes who are pontificating about how UM needs to give back all of the profits to people (some of which is already done, but I digress).

Nobody EXTERNAL complained when Shalala overpaid and spent years trying to turn the UHealth Titanic around. When UM's collective tuition money and other earnings were being shipped OUT to support UHealth's losses, not a **** person (outside of the UM community) said anything.

Now that UHealth is FINALLY making money (which, hey, not to be a stickler, but the profit started BEFORE COVID), people are lining up to put demands on how we use that money, trying to cash-shame us into fixing all the US healthcare problems without even allowing us to restore the money that was pumped into UHealth over the preceding decade.

NO. It is time to tell people NO, that UHealth is not stuffing money into medical waste bags that are then shipped over to the (currently empty) Athletic Director's office. That is NOT how this works. Never has been, never will be.

The money is UM's. Not "UHealth's". Not "Athletics's's's's". That's UM's money. Money is fungible. The bills are not marked. If people don't like the healthcare system in America, where even "not-for-profit" entities rake in a lot of money, then they are free to change it. Miami is NOT the only university in America that has a significant investment in a local healthcare system. We are just the most recent to purchase a nag and turn it into a thoroughbred.

Some of y'all need to break out your "Miami vs. Everyone" t-shirts, put your AirPods in, and extend your middle fingers to anyone who tries to slander Miami for doing what the entirety of the rest of the world does (and what Athletic Departments have been doing since the beginning of time). Using profitable divisions to subsidize less-profitable divisions.

It's just cash. Business entities spread it around like manure.
This post should be a sticky based on the correct knowledge to deflect the naysayers.
NO PROBLEM for me. This decision is easy.

The vaccine is free and now readily available. Anyone who does NOT want to take it by now doing so willingly.

I'm not standing in ANYBODY's way to willingly put themselves at risk. Why should I care about someone who doesn't care about themself??🤔

So of course, these $$ could be used to continue begging others to do the smart, safe thing OR we can just say "*** it".

I say *** IT!!

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Love how the media is spinning it like we're taking directly from UHealth - even if we were... it's owned by the University, who cares?

UHealth lost money for several years and was subsidized by the general University fund. Now that they're making $300M in profit.. the general fund can be allocated elsewhere - Football being one of those options.

How writers can just put stuff out there that is completely inaccurate is ridiculous. They took one statement, spun it to make sense for their tiny brain, did no research, and wrote an entire article shaming a University for something that they aren't doing.
The University needs to start sending out retraction demands to these assclowns and threatening litigation. Accusations like this are per se defamatory (you don't even have to prove damages to maintain a claim).