
Just for this thread and these takes, watch the staff make him available to the media and hype him as a player that’s flashing and to look out for next spring at Greentree.

...then he won’t even play.
Why did we even take this guy? Oh right, cause he’s slow. Manny is allergic to speed. He also had double hip surgery in HS. This dude is on transfer watch.
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Stats will back you up on that. You usually get about 10-20% of a class that transfers out. We got 4 WR last year, he's the one out of state guy. It's *likely* going to be him.

Smith is from out of state. Redding played at IMG but where is he really from?

Daz is from inner city Birmingham. I wouldnt say that’s bumfuk. Trust me, there are many parts of Alabama that are Country as **** but Birmingham’s this one.
Why did we even take this guy? Oh right, cause he’s slow. Manny is allergic to speed. He also had double hip surgery in HS. This dude is on transfer watch.

Because he catches everything thrown his way. Also he actually knows how to run routes to get separation. Kid may never play a down but let’s not judge 4 games into his freshman year.
How does every other school in the country find impact freshman, but we get stuck with guys who are constantly “not ready”?
That’s on coaching and coaching decisions. Last year they had Greg Rousseau coming off the bench. Practice wasn’t enough to see that he was one of the best DL In College.

Puzzling what the coaches are seeing to keep inferior product on the field ahead of guys much more talented.

These decisions are so glaring and beginning to catch up with them in 2 ways.

1- It’s obvious to everyone watching these guys in action that the coaches are favoring certain guys on the team and

2- these decisions when they blow up in their faces will bleed over in the locker room. You play favorites it better pan out on the field. Needless to say getting our *** kicked on National TV the coaches have a lot of questions to answer on decisions they made.
Coaches said that Jarren Williams tore it up in practice. Did he really?

Now coaches come up and say that the WRs are performing in practice but dont do it in games?

I am starting to smell some fishy cap.
I said it plenty of times on this board since the kid arrived... he’s not IT guys. And I expect him to transfer by or before 2022.
That’s on coaching and coaching decisions. Last year they had Greg Rousseau coming off the bench. Practice wasn’t enough to see that he was one of the best DL In College.

Puzzling what the coaches are seeing to keep inferior product on the field ahead of guys much more talented.

These decisions are so glaring and beginning to catch up with them in 2 ways.

1- It’s obvious to everyone watching these guys in action that the coaches are favoring certain guys on the team and

2- these decisions when they blow up in their faces will bleed over in the locker room. You play favorites it better pan out on the field. Needless to say getting our *** kicked on National TV the coaches have a lot of questions to answer on decisions they made.
The media ain’t asking those questions lol