Off-Topic World History


Wee Willie’s Last Flight: Unveiling the B-17 Startling Photo​




Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress Wee Willie falling apart after a direct hit by German flak, April 1945.​

“Following the impact, the fuselage ignited, and after descending approximately 5,000 feet the left wing detached. The descent continued, and when the fuselage was approximately 3,000 feet above the ground, it experienced a first explosion, followed by another upon impact with the ground.”

Among the nine-man crew of Wee Willie, only Lt. Fuller survived. Reports indicate that the initial explosion forcefully ejected him from the ****pit, from where he successfully deployed his parachute and safely landed on the ground. Regrettably, he was promptly captured by German forces, and his subsequent fate remains unknown.
Interesting side note: Wallis Simpson's maiden name was Wallis Warfield. She was the niece of Solomon Davies Warfield, who built railways through Florida as well as the Seminole Inn in Indiantown.


Wee Willie’s Last Flight: Unveiling the B-17 Startling Photo​

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Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress Wee Willie falling apart after a direct hit by German flak, April 1945.​

“Following the impact, the fuselage ignited, and after descending approximately 5,000 feet the left wing detached. The descent continued, and when the fuselage was approximately 3,000 feet above the ground, it experienced a first explosion, followed by another upon impact with the ground.”

Among the nine-man crew of Wee Willie, only Lt. Fuller survived. Reports indicate that the initial explosion forcefully ejected him from the ****pit, from where he successfully deployed his parachute and safely landed on the ground. Regrettably, he was promptly captured by German forces, and his subsequent fate remains unknown.
what a waste. April 1945 is when the war ends

I'm not disagreeing that Owens was ignored here, but suggesting that Germany was accepting is a bit of a stretch?

Hitler famously refused to congratulate Owens. He wouldn’t even shake his hand. In fact, our own president didn’t even congratulate him. It wasn’t until 1976 that Gerald Ford gave Owens a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Asked about Hitler’s snub, Owens said this:

“It was all right with me,” he said years later, “I didn’t go to Berlin to shake hands with him, anyway. All I know is that I’m here now, and Hitler isn’t.
“When I came back, after all those stories about Hitler and his snub, I came back to my native country, and I couldn’t ride in the front of the bus. I had to go to the back door. I couldn’t live where I wanted. Now what’s the difference?”*****-wrong-12610148/

Saluting the US flag, not Hitler.
I'm not disagreeing that Owens was ignored here, but suggesting that Germany was accepting is a bit of a stretch?

Hitler famously refused to congratulate Owens. He wouldn’t even shake his hand. In fact, our own president didn’t even congratulate him. It wasn’t until 1976 that Gerald Ford gave Owens a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Asked about Hitler’s snub, Owens said this:*****-wrong-12610148/

Saluting the US flag, not Hitler.
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You should probably take that up with Jesse Owens, those were his words not mine.
You should probably take that up with Jesse Owens, those were his words not mine.
The implication that a wave implies tolerance and acceptance is incorrect. Hitler refused to shake hands with any athletes that weren't German. If the implication was that the German people and Europeans were more accepting, then absolutely. Hitler, not a chance.

I bet the coward clown was a bumbling stumbling mess when he blew his brains out. He couldn't handle what the Soviets would have done to him, the embarrassment of being paraded around and then executed in the public eye after his "empire" fell. I guess back then suicide was considered a modest way out for people of "higher class" pshhh. If one could dream of his capture the torture list would never end.

The below may be dark but the evil he and his men/women possessed and wielded was beyond comprehension.

IMO walking through and subsequently falling into a large school of small stingrays seems appropriate to start or end. The amount of time it would take to be barbed to death by hundreds of smaller stingrays would possibly be suffice for his atrocity's but then again not enough. I would remove him from the pool after the first 700 stings (if not dead) lay him belly side down naked on ice and let him freeze for a while before flipping to his back to freeze for a few more. Once his body is chilled take the heated iron and brand his **** tag head to toe, move on to steam/gas/lung poisoning to a lesser degree, extremity removal one by one while preventing massive bleed out and eventually impalement (the Impaler) through his **** on a 12 foot pole to suffocate bleed out and die in front of everyone.

Nope even that isn't enough and unfortunately the people who experienced his tortures never had closure because he escaped being a POW by killing himself like the piece of ****e he was.