I actually thought I saw his deal on Twitter
Then good luck to him. He should take it.I know he usually announces them. I think a few he disclosed the amount (I know he def disclosed all the amounts early on like he was price is right). either way, its always the way this was gonna go down when it was so public. I don't have an issue with it either. pay the kid to stay and move on. we all wanted a donor who is our Boone Pickens right? well this is it. give him a bit more and watch the team succeed.
my guess is Wong has a deal lined up and wanted someone in SFL (not necessarily Ruiz) to beat it. I don't see Wong coming back
I think we should cut him loose after this going public. He played his hand wong.
wongs agent is the same as pack and miller.
this is the biggest issue I have w making all these deals so public. just do it in silence. it was bound to back fire at some point when everyone knows what you're paying kids to come here.
this agent set the market on high quality transfers with the 800k deal.
Then good luck to him. He should take it.
Wong isn’t high quality that’s what I’m saying. He is a middle if the road college player.
Ruiz already publicly said absolutely not.or hear me out, just match it lol if winning is more important. we don't need to be all high and mighty about NIL money now that it blew up in our face.
now, this is just Wong. what if TVD does this bc a new recruit got 100x more than he does? we all have the same opinion of let him walk?
on the transfer market, hes a top tier transfer especially w what's left. hes not a bum. he's not an all-nba prospect bc if we were, he would've left last year. hes also def better than emoni bates who's still in the portal
Ruiz already publicly said absolutely not.
Wong/his agent played their hand and lost. Unless someone else steps up but I don’t see it happening with the way the agent is acting publicly. Wong is gone.
on the transfer market, hes a top tier transfer especially w what's left. hes not a bum. he's not an all-nba prospect bc if we were, he would've left last year. hes also def better than emoni bates who's still in the portal
Well good luck to him somewhere else cause I highly doubt he will be a Cane next year after this stunt by his agent
And that’s exactly why salaries have stayed fairly stagnant for decades, not remotely keeping up with inflation. It’s exactly what employers want.Perhaps that would happen with some but I look at it the same way as having a job. I don’t go asking nor do I go disclosing what my salary is at my job or asking orders to divulge that info.
It’s no one’s business.
No, pack wanted it disclosed. No doubt so that he could get other nil deals.should we cut Ruiz loose for going public about pack? its free agency w no rules. Wong wasn't gonna be the only kid to demand more publicly. we've seen it with MIms when he nearly left UGA specifically looking for NIL money
Here's the thing...
Wong is a good player.
But, he is what I think of as a subtractive-good player rather than an additive-good player. In other words, his stats come at the expense of elevating his teammates. That is high volume, low percentage shooter with a propensity to play hero ball. About every fifth possession, he gets sticky hands and just decides in advance that he is going to shoot regardless of whether the play is there are not. That results in some very awkward looking shots because he has to invent them in motion rather than playing with the flow. He makes just enough of them to keep him out of trouble but not enough of them to be a high efficiency scorer.
I think Wong actually had a better year this season precisely because he was the second and sometimes third option. That tamps down his habits at hero-ball and gets him to play more team oriented bball. The absolutely worst version of Wong is the one where he is perceived to be the best player on the floor and he feels that he has to take over.
That is my long way of saying that he is very good piece to have but you can't build a team around him.
It is also my way of saying that he does not have as much leverage as he thinks he has.
Right now his best move would be to fire his agent and come out with a statement completely contradicting what was said.
As an aside, wouldn't it just be so Miami for this to blow up as the first major NIL controversy? No choice but to play it completely above board and wish him the best.