Without knowing anything more than we do now...

We'll need the notice then a chance to argue our case before the punishing body of the NCAA before they decide what the penalties will be. Would we know what the actual penalties will be settled on even if we get notice today which would be about NLOI day-30 days?

In any event, I say let's get it post-NLOI day and know our penalties before the fall so we can recruit with this known and know whether we can go to a bowl game or not next season.

In my ridiculous hypothetical, it'd already be adjudicated, sentenced, and all appeals exhausted - today. Al would have one month to work his magic.

Under that specific scenario, I'd take the risk, and go with now, and not after.

OK. How about this then? Any sanctions will be bad news or at least will be spun that way by our rivals and ESPNYahooMiamiHerald. Better to let some time accumulate to soften the impact of the bad news on potential recruits. So, I vote we get drilled post-NLOI. And welcome to the board!!

We'll need the notice then a chance to argue our case before the punishing body of the NCAA before they decide what the penalties will be. Would we know what the actual penalties will be settled on even if we get notice today which would be about NLOI day-30 days?

In any event, I say let's get it post-NLOI day and know our penalties before the fall so we can recruit with this known and know whether we can go to a bowl game or not next season.

In my ridiculous hypothetical, it'd already be adjudicated, sentenced, and all appeals exhausted - today. Al would have one month to work his magic.

Under that specific scenario, I'd take the risk, and go with now, and not after.

OK. How about this then? Any sanctions will be bad news or at least will be spun that way by our rivals and ESPNYahooMiamiHerald. Better to let some time accumulate to soften the impact of the bad news on potential recruits. So, I vote we get drilled post-NLOI. And welcome to the board!!

Guess I don't really need to be stubborn for no good reason. I'm sold. After, it is.

Still, **** NCAA and that ****bag gatewhore heading up the investigation.
Might as well happen now. Even after signing, signees can get out of their LOI as Seantrel did with USC.

I think that's only if we are given additional years of post season bans. If we are given an extra year, our freshmen can leave; if 2 years, our sophomores can leave, and so on. Hopefully, our self imposed bowl bans will satisfy the NCAA.
Guys should be as committed as the kids at Penn State are doing. It really is amazing what's going on up there. That QB said he ain't going nowhere.
Need to get the ruling now. Not having sanctions announced is just as bad for recruiting than anything else. No more ammo left in the opposition's gun once judgment is passed.
Auggie Doggie? Not the origonal Auggie Doggie? Is this you DV? Welcome back. I'll call you.
I would say now as in right now. This week. Not a week before signing day. If it comes out now and doesn't have LOIC Golden will do damage control. If it has LOIC then we're in for a fight either way.
After. If LOIC is in there the opposing coaches will tell whatever bull**** they feel like saying to recruits and parents

Either way, they hammer wouldnt come for a while even if we got the NOA today. We have 90 days to respond if Im not mistaken.
Not reading anything in this thread other than OP.

Unless the sanctions are NOTHING or LIGHT, please serve it after NSD. There isn't much incentive at this point to release now.

I don't think anyone can get out of their LOIC either because they are more than aware that something is coming. Also, by already taking 2 bans....I doubt they will have much of a case (the recruits).
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