Why the Noles hate us. Bobby Bowden take.

Bobby Bowden was respectful, if nothing. That 2000 season? Anyone would have done the same thing. Maybe I go back further than some of you, but the Damned Notre **** coaches were the absolute worst self-promoters, and behind Notre **** coaches, Switzer was about the second worst.

He played us. Florida didn't want any more, Penn State didn't want any more, Notre Dame didn't want to see us again, and South Carolina had a bellyful of Miami. Texas hates the U to this day, as to Nebraska fans.

When FSU was good, we were good. One blade sharpens and hones itself on another of like kind.

We and FSU followed a similar rise to greatness by playing anyone and everyone. We saw every conceivable offense and defense across the nation, as did FSU.

Fans? That's another deal.

But Bobby still tips his hat to the awesome program that is the U, and for that, he has my respect.

Why do you think Bobby kept us on the schedule?

He did it out of sportsmanship, respect or because he truly wasn't scared to do so?

What a crock of ****.

Bobby kept us on the schedule because he knew the one thing that every coach and fan on the planet knows.

S. Florida is the MECCA of football talent.

Booby kept us on the schedule because he knew how much talent was in S. Florida and he knew that 1 school could not possibly sign every kid down there.

Booby knew by playing us he could keep FSU's foot in the door when it came to signing S. Florida talent win or lose. He knew with every loss their would be wins as well helping FSU's cause especially with kids wanting something different (different venue).

You guys who think Bobby was some great man and respectful towards UM really need to get a grip. The old man was crafty and knew what it took in order to build and sustain a winning program.
I remember a poster who used to constantly refer to Bowden as Uriah Heep. Constantly espousing praise towards us, but to me seemed more like back-handed complements.
CaneBill. What a piece of work he was. I miss the classic threads when he jumped up on his soap box.

He threatened to have the nyc mafia come and kill me. Can't write this ****!:)
I remember a poster who used to constantly refer to Bowden as Uriah Heep. Constantly espousing praise towards us, but to me seemed more like back-handed complements.
CaneBill. What a piece of work he was. I miss the classic threads when he jumped up on his soap box.

He threatened to have the nyc mafia come and kill me. Can't write this ****!:)
100% believable. He is/was apparently a very smart guy, but with lots of issues, and very strong opinions on EVERYTHING. Miami-Hurricanes.com actually made him a mod for awhile. Chaos ensued.
Why do you think Bobby kept us on the schedule?

He did it out of sportsmanship, respect or because he truly wasn't scared to do so?

What a crock of ****.

Bobby kept us on the schedule because he knew the one thing that every coach and fan on the planet knows.

S. Florida is the MECCA of football talent.

Booby kept us on the schedule because he knew how much talent was in S. Florida and he knew that 1 school could not possibly sign every kid down there.

Booby knew by playing us he could keep FSU's foot in the door when it came to signing S. Florida talent win or lose. He knew with every loss their would be wins as well helping FSU's cause especially with kids wanting something different (different venue).

You guys who think Bobby was some great man and respectful towards UM really need to get a grip. The old man was crafty and knew what it took in order to build and sustain a winning program.

Yeah, lol at our fellow Cane fans actually giving that decrepit old man credit for "keeping" us on the schedule.
If anything, it's the other way around.
They needed us more than they we needed them for recruiting purposes.
That fake Christian was nothing but a plague for college football.
A large reason why the soFla recruiting scene is a cesspool, an ethical nightmare, is due to the
recruiting antics of his assistants and him.
I respect Bowden. I wish a former Miami coach would have stayed and been loyal like Bowden was to FSU.
Remember when they asked Bobby if he could pick one players off the Canes to play for FSU, no hesitation he said, "SEAN TAYLOR"

nothing but respect for Bobby Brown...
Remember when they asked Bobby if he could pick one players off the Canes to play for FSU, no hesitation he said, "SEAN TAYLOR"

nothing but respect for Bobby Brown...

And a few years later would have no problem warning potential UM/FSU recruits that he shouldn't sign with the Canes
because football players get murdered down there.
Yeah, nothing but respect for the old coot.
LMAO at all the guys who "respect" Bobby Bowdown.

Do you guys not realize how badly FSU has negatively recruited us over the years?

When Marlin Barnes died and FSU asst. coaches were showing the articles to respective recruits you really believe in your heart that Bowdown had nothing to do with that?

All the crap that has gone down at FSU over the years and NO penalties? No one is mad or upset because Bowdown was part of the "good ol boys network" and keeping the NCAA at bay?

Bowdown is the devil always has been always will. He tricks a lot of people into thinking he's some simpleton bumpkin from the stix but that guy was crafty and ruthless.

Most of you only remember "old and senile" Booby. You don't remember him in his heyday when he pretty much learned every dirty trick in the book from his mentor Bear Bryant.

Mother F*ck FSU and everyone that has ever gone there.

This times one million. It'll be a cold day in **** before I wax nostalgic about anything Booby Bowel or fsu related.

F*ck that old phoney piece of **** Booby Bowel with his own prune juice bottle. He was one of the biggest scumbags in the game; he just hid it behind the aw shucks dadgummit dialog. And f*ck all things fsu.

Remember when they asked Bobby if he could pick one players off the Canes to play for FSU, no hesitation he said, "SEAN TAYLOR"

nothing but respect for Bobby Brown...

And a few years later would have no problem warning potential UM/FSU recruits that he shouldn't sign with the Canes
because football players get murdered down there.
Yeah, nothing but respect for the old coot.

Loved the way that Booby and his henchmen like Scumato showed recruits newspaper clippings and gruesome photos detailing Marlin Barnes' murder and how UM was so unsafe. Gotta love Booby because he speaks like a down home redneck. LULZ at the f*ckery.