Why the board changed at Corner (OP Opinion)

Not quite understanding you here. 8 plus 6 is 14 if I am not mistaken.

I'll give OP a chance, it's entertaining to say the least. But boy.....the season cant get here quick enough.
Nah he literally messaged me and told me they were silencing his page. Strange dude but it’s entertaining.
That sucks. It's the dead period. We need the scoop😆😆😆!!! In all seriousness he's entertaining and odds are he's a troll but at least prove him to be one first before you put the cuffs on him.
its not that there divas its that when they are elite he knows they will get offers they cant refuse, it has nothing to do with being a diva and everything to do with money. Hes still has to recruit the elite player because u dont know if they will take offers, if he goes by the way u think OP we wouldnt of gotten Gurvan Hall
Its obvious Cuban Cane is this same OP. Dude cosigned every syllable OP put out there. Either that or the nuggary(nut hugging) is stronger than Yoda's mastery of the force.