Why don't we love Hard Rock?


Senile Senior
Nov 7, 2011
Without any reservation I miss the Original Orange Bowl BUT, no one can deny the comfort and access plus parking at the Rock. I was shocked the first time I went to the swamp. Parking there is worse then the Original Orange Bowl . I went there on a relatives player pass. My seat was a lined gap on a bleacher bench that was about a foot wide. In the same row was the Pouncey twins parent and since I was on the end of that row I had about 2 inches to sit on. It was hotter than any stadium I've ever been in since there was zero ocean breeze. The facilities were reminiscent of the Orange Bowl, **** every where. .So when I find can park in a lot, sit in a real seat in the shade at the Rock, use clean facilities, I wonder why all the urgency to leave there. I also think recruits love the idea of playing on an NFL field. Since an on-campus cannot happen I can't see any benefit in moving simply to move.
I wonder what others have experienced at other venues. I haven't been to doak and wonder what others have experienced there? I also wonder if recruits know what there family accommodations will be at other facilities compared to the Rock? Now if we can only start winning like we did in the OOB I'll be very happy!
I live in Miami Gardens, went to Norland. Only went to the original Orange Bowl once as a younger kid. Been to the Panthers, UNC & Duke's stadiums (all against Miami when I was stationed in NC.) Went to Hard Rock plenty of times, as far as the recent renovations, I think I've been 3-4 times. The atmosphere is so energetic and electric when the fans are there. Absolutely loved the place and in comparison, the UNC/Duke games felt nothing like Hard Rock (even while packed). Panthers game had relatively the same energy. Maybe I'm VERY biased because I'm a Dolphins fan as well as living close to the stadium...but I love that stadium and when its popping, its FUN
Without any reservation I miss the Original Orange Bowl BUT, no one can deny the comfort and access plus parking at the Rock. I was shocked the first time I went to the swamp. Parking there is worse then the Original Orange Bowl . I went there on a relatives player pass. My seat was a lined gap on a bleacher bench that was about a foot wide. In the same row was the Pouncey twins parent and since I was on the end of that row I had about 2 inches to sit on. It was hotter than any stadium I've ever been in since there was zero ocean breeze. The facilities were reminiscent of the Orange Bowl, **** every where. .So when I find can park in a lot, sit in a real seat in the shade at the Rock, use clean facilities, I wonder why all the urgency to leave there. I also think recruits love the idea of playing on an NFL field. Since an on-campus cannot happen I can't see any benefit in moving simply to move.
I wonder what others have experienced at other venues. I haven't been to doak and wonder what others have experienced there? I also wonder if recruits know what there family accommodations will be at other facilities compared to the Rock? Now if we can only start winning like we did in the OOB I'll be very happy!

1. It's a reason for rivals to knock Miami; UM "renting" a stadium and not having its own home—which is somehow a dig—and 2. the fact it's simply NOT the Orange Bowl.

Everyone has their dumb sentiments that Miami football leaving the OB was some final nail in the coffin; as if the Canes hadn't been a sub-par team for about three years before blowing north.

15-7 at the OB—from the OT loss to Clemson in 2004, to the 2008 beatdown from Virginia in the 2007 home finale—eight of those 15 wins against Marshall, Duke (three times), FIU (twice) and South Florida... while Miami was 24-18 overall from that loss to the Tigers to the end of the 2007 season (Randy's first year).

It's the same reason everyone loves the early 2000-era Nike jerseys; Miami was winning big then—but hated the mid-2000s and the "bra-strap" look, as that was the image of 9-3 to 7-6 kind of underachieving program.

I didn't see Miami lose a home football from the time I was 11 years old in sixth grade (9/7/85) until I was entering my junior year of college (9/24/94) and was a few months shy of my 21st birthday. Who WOULDN'T revere the Orange Bowl with THAT kind of history?

Once HardRock received its $400,000,000 face lift years back—better coverage and full blown upgrades—it became a **** of a home stadium and the only issue is that UM football has continued to suck.

Anybody who was at that stadium on November 11th, 2017 to watch the dismantling of #3 Notre Dame—you saw first-hand that the stadium isn't the problem; the garbage product the Canes were putting on the field was. The venue has hosted SIX Super Bowls, is in the running for 2027 and hosts the Orange Bowl annually.

Any notion HardRock isn't good enough for six UM home games annually is laughable... and yes, The Swamp is a complete dump site. So is Doak Campbell Stadium for that matter—but they get credit for being on campus in those one-horse college football towns.
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Without any reservation I miss the Original Orange Bowl BUT, no one can deny the comfort and access plus parking at the Rock. I was shocked the first time I went to the swamp. Parking there is worse then the Original Orange Bowl . I went there on a relatives player pass. My seat was a lined gap on a bleacher bench that was about a foot wide. In the same row was the Pouncey twins parent and since I was on the end of that row I had about 2 inches to sit on. It was hotter than any stadium I've ever been in since there was zero ocean breeze. The facilities were reminiscent of the Orange Bowl, **** every where. .So when I find can park in a lot, sit in a real seat in the shade at the Rock, use clean facilities, I wonder why all the urgency to leave there. I also think recruits love the idea of playing on an NFL field. Since an on-campus cannot happen I can't see any benefit in moving simply to move.
I wonder what others have experienced at other venues. I haven't been to doak and wonder what others have experienced there? I also wonder if recruits know what there family accommodations will be at other facilities compared to the Rock? Now if we can only start winning like we did in the OOB I'll be very happy!
I definitely miss the OB, but Hard Rock isn't bad. I wish I could be there more often. It really depends on criteria and preferences determining if a person likes a certain stadium or not.
I've been to the swamp too many times and I agree with your assessment of it. F Florida anyway. Go Canes 🏈
steve carrell anchorman GIF by FirstAndMonday
I like the Hard Rock. Season ticket holder from 2016-2019, and always enjoyed it. It gets loud when we're good. Even games like Toledo or FAU, had fans in the seats.

NOW, if you wanna ***** about the in game entertainment at the Hard Rock, I'm with ya. It sucks. And Can we stop running out to AC/DC? I'd bet most of the players don't even listen to AC/DC
We should just change it to Hard Co ck stadium.

How much cooler would “meet you at the c ock” sound?

“Behind a raucous 70k crowd, Miami pummels FSU at the c ock.”
You know you can spell the actual word ****, right?
I miss the OB dearly.

What I like about Hard Rock:
- Tailgating
- Club Seat amenities
- Shade from sun and rain
- Tailgating

What I dislike about Hard Rock:
- Distance (live in the Gables)
- Shared with the Dolphins
- Lack of personality/grit
- Distance

I'd take the OB back with ALL OF ITS FAULTS in a nanosecond.
I was in undergrad at UM when we played at the orange bowl and was in law school when we moved north to whatever it was called at the time. Our play on the field sucked (still does) when we got to Hard Rock, and the stadium sucked before the renovations. It was hot and miserable playing there. BUT, it's a world class venue now, IMO. It's loud AF, clean, shaded and you don't have to worry about getting rained on anymore. The food and beverage options and AC in club level are great. If we could just figure out the football part I think we would have it made.
It was one of the loudest stadiums I was ever in vs ND. Only stadiums I've ever been in that rivaled it were Happy Valley for a white out & old yankees stadium vs Boston (number one & it's not even debatable with me)