Who's Next On The Golden Chopping Block

The lowest hanging fruit are the guys who are in their fifth years who should have graduated already and who havent contributed meaningfully. We can ease them out without having to worry about burning bridges or graduation rates.

Ben Jones
CJ Holton
Davon Johnson

Then we have other 5th year guys who are either rising in stock, plummeting, or on the edge:

Kendall Thompkins (a body during spring, always talked about, but never amounts to anything during gametime. If and when we get 6 more WRs in August, will he still be around?)
Jeremy Lewis (hasnt done anything yet but MAY surprise in his final year based on recent Golden comments)
Brandon McGee (failed phase 1 per Golden, if he fails phase 2, he is gone. There is a reason why we brought 7+ CBs and it's not cause we're going to field an 11man CB depth chart, lol)

Then the non-5th years who've been in the program at least a couple years and who we never hear one word about anymore except when they're in trouble:
Billy Sanders
Kelvin Cain
Keion Payne

Then of course, the random surprises.

ETA: Luther Robinson is another potential malcontent gone.
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Billy Sanders, Cj Holton, Thompkins, Johnson, Payne, Jones, Robinson, a couple if not all won't be back come fall
Corey white is still on the team right?

Yes. From the little that's been said about the kid by folks here and elsewhere, the kid works his tail off. Not very talented (tweener OL/TE) and injured a lot. I guess Golden could ask him to transfer if we really needed his schollie but i think there are kids in front of him in the chopping block.
I swear I don't get it with thompkins... kid was a beast in high school... maybe the playbook is to complicated for him...
Guys with degrees (assuming the 5th year guys have or will have them by summer) don't count as cuts. They only get a scholarship if they're wanted/needed. The school fulfilled its obligation to them when they got (or get) their degree.

The people to look at are younger guys who either aren't 'with the program' so to speak, or aren't material contributors. A guy like Sanders is an example of the latter. Cain might be the former. Payne might be both. No idea about Wells. C. White seems like a contributor and good kid. Don't expect him to be going anywhere.
Depth is going to be painfully thin come fall.

Scholarship limitations (assuming the NCAA imposes them) will place a premium on bodies however -- especially people who can perform.
Baffling to see Wells still here

Lineman are invaluable for specal teams

Yeah, but this guy is the softest of the soft, prolly won't see the field for us, and word is he hates it here. Pair that with us needing numbers and it doesn't add up.

At the end of the last Raising Cane-Utough video, Wells is in the Green Group (2nd Highest) at the end of the program. He can't be that soft.