Who wins the NCAA Tournament??

Correct. Shared a football title with Nebraska for 1997...By that logic, Miami has 4.5 (Washington)

Like I said, Ol' Claydouche's logic isn't without flaw but I think his larger point still stands regarding Meeeechigan. Mad Dog Mandich excluded from any implied insult here. RIP.

Villanova tag line: Why you never recruit perimeter players who can't shoot the 3 ball.

If your 5 can also shoot it, all to the better.
Im just glad low class Michigan got what they deserved.

Doing some pre game Allah homage, because they have a bunch of Muslims on the team, made me a huge 'Nova fan.

I'm sure the only thing that mattered to the Michigan coaches & fans was could they play and shoot the ball.

IF they could....... I seriously doubt ANY coach ANYWHERE would ask them to pass a religious test.....

BTW Nova has had several Muslim players too