Who stays. Who goes

I’m just not the biggest fan. I think his game didn’t really match the rest of the roster. He’s a guy that might end up being a better pro than college player due to his iso play. He’s gonna have to get better on D and rebounding though, I will stand by that.

Like I was last season with Casey, I’m skeptical. I’d love for him to prove me wrong and develop his game more and get better.

Until that hitch in his jumper's gone, he's gonna be a frustrating player regardless of where he plays

A douchy reply from one of the douchiest posters on the board. At least you’re consistently on brand
You could ask this jagoff how he’s doing and he’d still give you a douchebag reply. Biggest piece of **** poster on this site.
Good riddance. He was hyped up way too much by this fan base while Wong got **** on.

Proof was in the pudding that his game solely revolves around shooting and nothing else. If he’s having an off night we are in trouble because he’s literally just a taller Pack.
Good riddance. He was hyped up way too much by this fan base while Wong got **** on.

Proof was in the pudding that his game solely revolves around shooting and nothing else. If he’s having an off night we are in trouble because he’s literally just a taller Pack.
Wooga was the worst dribbler I have ever seen.
Good riddance. He was hyped up way too much by this fan base while Wong got **** on.

Proof was in the pudding that his game solely revolves around shooting and nothing else. If he’s having an off night we are in trouble because he’s literally just a taller Pack.
Guy was a legit cancer last season. Good riddance
All I can figure with Wooga is he was told Cleveland is moving to the 3. He had a lot to gain by coming back and coach L had developed him this far.
Guy was a legit cancer last season. Good riddance
Unless you have legit insider information, you may want to hold off on calling dudes cancers. Amazing how when he was a guy comfortable in his role, he was hustling, high energy guy that L loved. As his role changed, injuries piled up and he started pressing, and you could see that he mentally tanked as things went south. Maybe he started to believe his own hype a bit too much, but I don't believe a guy goes from being a team dude to a cancer in 6 months.
All I can figure with Wooga is he was told Cleveland is moving to the 3. He had a lot to gain by coming back and coach L had developed him this far.
He also has a solid relationship with L, L has always been his biggest supporter. That said, he may not be prepared to go back to being a bench guy, especially when he's seen what he can be when he's right mentally. I wish him well, but chemistry is a thing and you can't have a guy that isn't willing to accept his role, especially if everyone knows that he could be doing more somewhere else.
I pinpoint the beginning of the downfall of the season to when Coach L decided to keep the starters in during the game of whatever cupcake we were blowing out, Wooga tweaked his ankle, came out, and then coach L put him BACK in when we're up like 20 and Wooga more seriously injured that same ankle minutes later and that was basically all she wrote for his season. He never came back from that. Not saying we would have made a deep run or anything, but I'd had high hopes. I wish the dude well wherever he goes.
Well I guess we know Whoogaoes.

Unless you have legit insider information, you may want to hold off on calling dudes cancers. Amazing how when he was a guy comfortable in his role, he was hustling, high energy guy that L loved. As his role changed, injuries piled up and he started pressing, and you could see that he mentally tanked as things went south. Maybe he started to believe his own hype a bit too much, but I don't believe a guy goes from being a team dude to a cancer in 6 months.
I have 'legit insider information' and can tell you that it was in both parties best interest to move on