Who is here from old Grassy/Scout?

What diehard said. Joined grassy around ‘96. Was never better than from about ‘99 thru 2003. Canesforever was there. The meet ups, tailgates on the road, the lounge. We went to away games and walked in like we owned the place b/c we knew we were gonna win.
It was a great time.

Those were the days. I started reading it back in 95/96, and that's how I met Bryan Knoll, Oldmancane, Random Walk, Cogley, and a whole bunch of other guys at home games at various times that came from very different backgrounds, but all loved the 'Canes. I remember meeting Bryan's wife the very first time she ever went to the Orange Bowl to see a game, and meeting Random Walk who basically hosted one of the coolest tailgates of the season.

Losing that site is like seeing your old elementary school closed to put up a shopping mall.

It was way passed its prime, but those were great days!
I remember it was Eye of The Hurricane. Remember going to Baylor for first game in 1997...ahhh good times. I knew we'd be back!

I guess we can officially bury Grassy in the Grassy graveyard alongside Mt. Nittany, and all the Washington, Nebraska, and VTech trolls that used run wild back in the day.
Dario's claim to fame was dating or banging jennifer love hewitt..

Canesforever is still around. has his own board. i'm fairly close with him. he still goes to a lot of away games and leads tailgates.

auggie, not sure what happened to him. he disappeared.
Dario's claim to fame was dating or banging jennifer love hewitt..

Canesforever is still around. has his own board. i'm fairly close with him. he still goes to a lot of away games and leads tailgates.

auggie, not sure what happened to him. he disappeared.

I remember auggie drinking an entire bottle of crown and one of the fsu games back in 2000or 2002...I remember trying to help find him after the game....he got lost getting back
Fat njtoflacane. I remember our whole tailgate walking from the tailgate to the doak one year early 2000 and some
Frat boys starting a fight and getting whooped.

Playing “blame it on the rain” at the tailgate after the 2004 orange bowl.
Fat njtoflacane. I remember our whole tailgate walking from the tailgate to the doak one year early 2000 and some
Frat boys starting a fight and getting whooped.

Playing “blame it on the rain” at the tailgate after the 2004 orange bowl.
JaredRoss here


Same name. Joined Grassy in 1999. We were the fuggin' kings. Rolled into to every stadium like we owned it (we did). Legendairy internet moments: "September bowls"..."Waxing coochies"...."Dude that's Dana, I'll ask her if she knows you"..."Headset guy pictorial essay"...