Who Are Your Top 5 Remaining Recruits & Why?

Tough choices but I’d say

1. Hicks
2. McClain
3. Okunlola (would be higher but we already have one top flight T committed)
4. Harbor
5. Aguero

It’s a combination of position value and talent to me as players like Bryant, Hykeem, Damon Wilson, M’Pemba, and Baxter would make the second list in no particular order.

What's interesting is that if I asked this question just one week ago, besides @imurcane , @gogeta4 and maybe a couple of others, no one would've had Wilson in the their top 5 must get recruits. What a difference a week can make.
Whoever makes the gators cry moreeeee

Punish Elisabeth Moss GIF by HULU
My 5
  1. Cormani McClain
  2. Samson Okunlola
  3. Damon Wilson
  4. Hykeem Williams
  5. Samuel M’Pemba

Cormani = Best CB prospect since Patrick Peterson back in 08 IMO. Generational talent. He’d rank as one of our most highly touted recruits ever.

Okunlola = Best OT prospect I’ve seen since Seantrel. Would match perfectly with Mauigoa.

Damon Wilson = After watching film I can say this guy is better than Wayne and M’Pemba both IMO. He’s the best DE in the nation. Getting him and Wayne both on the same team would be scary.

Hykeem = Best WR of the bunch in south Florida and I’ve said that from day one. He’s the best WR left uncommitted in the nation and a local product at that.

M’Pemba = Elite athlete one of best DEs in the nation. IMG pipeline.

I’d almost put CJ Baxter at 5 over M’Pemba it’s close. But I want Chris Johnson Jr at RB for this class and think we have a great shot at him, not so much with Baxter. Would love both…
1. Sampson
2. Cormani
3. Hicks
4. Baxter
5. Harbor

I think I got the 5 food groups!
Kept this to kids we have a chance with.
  1. Okunlola
  2. Hicks
  3. Hykeem
  4. Wilson
  5. M’Pemba

Honorable mentions to round out a top 10: Baxter, McClain, Bryant, Harbor and Aguero in that order.