Who’s going to Syracuse?

I'll be there with my wife and kids (my son's first game). Been waiting for a game in Syracuse for a long time. Our tickets are in section 111.

last went to a game there in 94 iirc. My memories from the game:

- fights everywhere
- had a headache after the game - carrier dome can be loud
- their fans are obnoxious
I’ll be there. I never buy tickets this early, unless they are season tickets. I usually wait until the day of the event.
ill be there
I went to medical school up there at SUNY Upstate
next to the carrier dome
spent my medical school years watching carmello up there
cant wait

I’ve had a good time or 2 up there back in the day lol. They got some talent high key.

If I didn't relocate I'd slide but the weather by then will be brutal lol drove up there to visit family while at Rutgers and got caught up in a the snow at night. My dumbass had on slides and slipped as soon as I stepped onto my cousins driveway 🤣