When Wiggins scores the winning TD against bama


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Why do y’all weirdos do this?

We’re gonna say “congrats, kid. **** of a play. You’re a Cane for life, just like you always were, but now you’ll be known for this rather than being sorry. Good on you for that. Now go catch another one, we got 14 more to win”.

Fvck you expect people to say? We forgot you led the conference in drops and lost a bowl game for us last year? Here’s the key to the city?
To be fair, most of us aren’t Australian, so we aren’t saying ‘good on you’.
I would love to see Wiggins catch a long TD pass! Him just being on the field and going deep with his speed he will wear down the CB that has to chase him and also might pull a safety to his side.
I love it when people pull some random, hypothetical bull**** situation out of their ***, and then use that to wag their fingers at everyone.

This one is right up there with “what are the mopes gonna say if we beat Alabama?”

Well, Einstein, probably they won’t be mopes anymore. Mopes are mopes for a reason. People criticize Wiggins for a reason…dropped balls. He stops doing that, then people will think differently of him
First, I’ll be excited for the win. Second , I’ll be concerned because that means everyone else got hurt and we’re down to three scholarship receivers
My desire for us to win this game has more do to with not wanting to open this ***** and read all the over reaction Manny sucks, we will never….., this program is……., Blake James banner…….., etc etc ****** dropping mope comments for pages and pages and countless threads than actually just wanting to beat Bama.
Kind of eerie, I was half asleep this morning and had a dream this happened.

We were down 31-27 with 2:30 left. King lead us down the field but the drive stalled at around the 20 yard line. It was 4th down, and Wiggins caught the game winning TD on a back shoulder throw from King.

All of that was before I checked this thread.
I don't care if Navaughn scores it on a fumblerooskie. Someone does and I'm popping corks..