When Did Jorge Milian Become Such a ****?

No it doesn't. Not with what these kids put their bodies through. A bachelors degree isn't anywhere near as valuable as it used to be. In the meantime, the money over the past 2 decades in TV alone has ballooned into the stratosphere and players don't see a dime.

Those players get everything handed to them while being allowed to train for the career they want. Housing, food, nutritionists, tutors, training, coaching, etc. They get every bit of it for free. And when you have a 920 SAT and 2.54 GPA, a free bachelor's degree from a top 50 university is a pretty big deal.

They're all in it to go pro. So is this school since it's embraced the "NFLU" mindset. Not a week goes by that the school's official athletic site, twitter, or facebook account doesn't provide updates of all the former Canes scoring touchdowns in the NFL. Their draft status means nothing.

And when they don't go pro, as most of them won't, that free bachelor's degree that they got after not deserving to be at that university in the first place will help them get an actual job. Maybe they could compare their "slavery" and subsequent degree to their boy in the hood who wasn't very good at football who scrapes by on minimum wage.

I see the argument to both sides, but lets think about this. Before they were in college, most of them thought the idea of being in a video game, magazine, sportscenter, and smashing all the colleges ******* they could handle without getting paid a dime would have been the most awesome thing ever. Then top it off with they are getting a free education, tutors (this costs everyone else money), food (more money), housing (more money), and more than likely getting some kind of booster pay on the side, while most people are still paying off their loans 10+ years after they leave college while they had to work while going to school. Then along came some lawyer who realized he could make some money by telling a few players they were being exploited, when in reality, the guy who told them they were being exploited is in fact exploiting them himself. Notice its a bunch of washouts who didn't make the pros that are bringing the lawsuits? More than likely, they didn't take school seriously, because they thought they were going pro and when that didn't work, they had no backup plan.

As far as a bachelor degree not being worth much, it's mostly because they pick some dumbass easy major that gets them nothing, because they thought they were going pro from day 1. Isn't it less than 20% of the country has at least a Bachelor's degree?

In the grand scheme, are colleges benefitting more? Yes, but lets not act like these guys got nothing and lets not act like these guys aren't trying to bounce from said college as quick as possible if their stock is high enough.

I think the players do in fact deserve some compensation still. Enough to live fairly comfortably, not the high life, but realistically, how many bills are they really paying? Personally with all this *****ing about the money situation, lets just dump college football altogether and create a minor league. The players can be professionals, not have to go to school, pay taxes like everyone else, and when they don't make it, wash out with no education to fall back on since more players don't make it than the ones that do. The debates would be over and we could move on from it.
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On one hand the players put in the work and the NCAA is built on their backs. On the other hand, in the NCAA, people cheer for the teams, not the players. If you took every player that was good enough for a scholarship this year out, and put the best HS players leftover in at every school, nobody would care, stadiums would be packed, and millions would be made.
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He is right.

Oh I forgot where they get FORCED to play football on a full ride scholarship to a university that at least 75% of the kids who get the schollys would never get into without their skill sets..

lets not forget the helping hand they get which includes more tutoring and making sure they can leave with a piece of paper of a diploma in the end

He's referring to Miami's rule that freshmen cannot speak to the media.

That makes it worse. He's not speaking up for the "exploited" freshmen, but whining because he doesn't get to "exploit" them by writing stories quoting them, selling media and getting paid from doing so? Hypocrisy at its finest.
He is right.

Oh I forgot where they get FORCED to play football on a full ride scholarship to a university that at least 75% of the kids who get the schollys would never get into without their skill sets..

lets not forget the helping hand they get which includes more tutoring and making sure they can leave with a piece of paper of a diploma in the end

He's referring to Miami's rule that freshmen cannot speak to the media.

That makes it worse. He's not speaking up for the "exploited" freshmen, but whining because he doesn't get to "exploit" them by writing stories quoting them, selling media and getting paid from doing so? Hypocrisy at its finest.

Oh snappppppppp
**** Miami and it's degree?

Sounds like someone didn't go there. In the grand scheme of things, Miami football doesn't mean ****. If it disappeared tomorrow, the university would continue to operate at a high academic level. Probably higher.

**** you and you're non-Miami degree.
Meh. Don't take offense to the comment. Most degrees from most Universities aren't really worth the cost it takes to get them.
That's really all I meant by it. Sure, 50 years ago when not nearly as many people in the US had a bachelors, and before billion dollar TV contracts it was a fair trade off. Not anymore.

Ask a graduate with student loans up the ying yang and not able to get a job commensurate with the ability to repay the loan and live much above the level of poverty. The costs and results do not equate today like they did 50 years ago.
Jorge is spot-on.

Miami was very limited in allowing players to sign autographs at CanesFest — soon after Manziel's autograph issues — so players would only sign the posters handed out by the school, but not helmets, footballs, jerseys, etc.

UM shields players from certain things, but exploits them as well. It's a bit hypocritical.
Jorge is spot-on.

Miami was very limited in allowing players to sign autographs at CanesFest — soon after Manziel's autograph issues — so players would only sign the posters handed out by the school, but not helmets, footballs, jerseys, etc.

UM shields players from certain things, but exploits them as well. It's a bit hypocritical.

UM was "shielding" the players and the university's reputation by not allowing signed helmets, footballs, jerseys, etc. If you are in fact a representative or an employee of the All Canes Blog, then no doubt you do realize Miami was recently embroiled in an NCAA investigation that was highly publicized for years. Why risk any negative attention after the Manziel story blew the **** up, probably more so than when the initial Canes scandal broke. Big ******* deal die hards, you didn't get a free Duke Johnson autographed football.

As for Milian... NoahZack wrote all that is worth writing about him and was more deserving of "spot-on" than that idiot.
Always has been. Loser threatened me with violence on his twitter when I disagreed with his viewpoint! Loser!
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He is right.

Oh I forgot where they get FORCED to play football on a full ride scholarship to a university that at least 75% of the kids who get the schollys would never get into without their skill sets..

lets not forget the helping hand they get which includes more tutoring and making sure they can leave with a piece of paper of a diploma in the end

He's referring to Miami's rule that freshmen cannot speak to the media.

I saw Stacy Coley do a number of interviews this past season.
Just to clear this up, the official policy is that freshmen cannot speak to the media until they have played a game. Don't you guys remember that Duke wasn't interviewed until after his Boston College coming out party?

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