What's the deal with Stacy Coley?

Coley is frontin. He does not like the Canes an this comes from a very credible poster on t.o.s. who coaches in S. Fla. This does not feel like a Tracy Howard situation. Howard never dis-liked the Canes we just weren't his fav and had to work harder recruiting him. Coley = FSU

Ol Flacid Cane back at it again? SMGDH

ol noodle in the pants *** nuh

Coley is frontin. He does not like the Canes an this comes from a very credible poster on t.o.s. who coaches in S. Fla. This does not feel like a Tracy Howard situation. Howard never dis-liked the Canes we just weren't his fav and had to work harder recruiting him. Coley = FSU

Ol Flacid Cane back at it again? SMGDH

ol noodle in the pants *** nuh

I remember Charmin Cane gettin murdered in that fsu speed thread. Dude just needs to stay outa here. Ol 50/50 silk/rayon packin
Here you go again with the switch side bullsheet. I am giving you information. Do I want him to go to FSU??? Of course not. Would love to have the kid in a Cane uni. Will it happen? Highly unlikely.

Let's see. There was a "hardcane" on Shadow's board, who was Palm Nut on Scout, who was El Padrino... lol.
Here you go again with the switch side bullsheet. I am giving you information. Do I want him to go to FSU??? Of course not. Would love to have the kid in a Cane uni. Will it happen? Highly unlikely.

Let's see. There was a "hardcane" on Shadow's board, who was Palm Nut on Scout, who was El Padrino... lol.
hole up hole up!!!!??

HardCane is palm nut?!?!?!
Say it ain't so, Palm.

I always felt Palm got a bad rap on CT.
I saw Palm as a guy who just summarized the recruiting articles for those who didn't have access to the content. Outside of that I think remember seeing much flossin from him as if he had a connect inside the program .
He would just summarize what other articles and posters said and make it seem as if it were his own. He was also crazy defensive against anyone who questioned his info. I also remember him having a major meltdown when his "predictions" never came to fruition. Plus, he's a douche on the other site he joined, banning posters for even having a differing opinion. The guy is plain nuts.

EDIT: With that said, it's just speculation on my part. I just remember his handle of "Hardcane" and knew he was El Padrino and Palm Nut on other sites. It could very well be coincidence, but this guy's defensive posts smack too much of douchery for me to think it's coincidence.
He would just summarize what other articles and posters said and make it seem as if it were his own. He was also crazy defensive against anyone who questioned his info. I also remember him having a major meltdown when his "predictions" never came to fruition. Plus, he's a douche on the other site he joined, banning posters for even having a differing opinion. The guy is plain nuts. EDIT: With that said, it's just speculation on my part. I just remember his handle of "Hardcane" and knew he was El Padrino and Palm Nut on other sites. It could very well be coincidence, but this guy's defensive posts smack too much of douchery for me to think it's coincidence.
CANE4LIFE & Tano did an epic takedown of this guy (and his 3 other names he was using to vouch for himself) on the grassy premium board. I think it's on the classics board over there.
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Coley is frontin. He does not like the Canes an this comes from a very credible poster on t.o.s. who coaches in S. Fla. This does not feel like a Tracy Howard situation. Howard never dis-liked the Canes we just weren't his fav and had to work harder recruiting him. Coley = FSU

Ol Flacid Cane back at it again? SMGDH

ol noodle in the pants *** nuh

Ok......sit back an see if Coley is wearing a Cane uni after the smoke clears. Some of you dudes are supremely funny style. Like you Duval with the lil insults. Carry those packages for fed ex like your suppose too and quit shadowing every thing a post. Ole big mouth jacksonville, fla repping simp *** nucca.
It is El Padrino! lol

Are you still trying to pass off other people's info as your own?

No one is denying what you're saying about Coley. In fact, most fans realize he's a long shot. It's just funny to see how steamed you get whenever someone opposes you.
Coley is frontin. He does not like the Canes an this comes from a very credible poster on t.o.s. who coaches in S. Fla. This does not feel like a Tracy Howard situation. Howard never dis-liked the Canes we just weren't his fav and had to work harder recruiting him. Coley = FSU

Ol Flacid Cane back at it again? SMGDH

ol noodle in the pants *** nuh

Ok......sit back an see if Coley is wearing a Cane uni after the smoke clears. Some of you dudes are supremely funny style. Like you Duval with the lil insults. Carry those packages for fed ex like your suppose too and quit shadowing every thing a post. Ole big mouth jacksonville, fla repping simp *** nucca.
