What is it with Canes who respect FSU?

Jun 18, 2016
Checking out a national recruiting thread on the Class of 2019 over at 247

Before long it degenerates into a lone UM fan earnestly responding to one tired bull**** comment after another from a bunch of Noles (UM class will fall apart before signing day, CMR sucks, bad facilities, lousy fan support, etc.)

Finally some random dude from some other school breaks in to ask, "So I take it that Miami and FSU fans don't like each other??"

To which, the Canes fan who's spent the last couple hours responding to typical Free Shoes nonsense, answers "I actually respect them more than uf."

Not the first time I've seen something like this, either.


Checking out a national recruiting thread on the Class of 2019 over at 247

Before long it degenerates into a lone UM fan earnestly responding to one tired bull**** comment after another from a bunch of Noles (UM class will fall apart before signing day, CMR sucks, bad facilities, lousy fan support, etc.)

Finally some random dude from some other school breaks in to ask, "So I take it that Miami and FSU fans don't like each other??"

To which, the Canes fan who's spent the last couple hours responding to typical Free Shoes nonsense, answers "I actually respect them more than uf."

Not the first time I've seen something like this, either.


Uf is a piece of sh*t and fsu didn't pus5y out of a match with miami like U F*G did
Steel sharpens and hones steel.

FSU didn't dodge us - when we'd both be in the top ten or not.

UF chickened out - wouldn't play us.
Just because you respect someone doesn't mean you like them, I give credit when it's due and until we have more points after Q4 then it is what it is.
Yeah don't see the problem at all with saying you respect FSU more than UF.

I agree with that statement.
There's something where UF and FSU have to play each other every year.

Neither of them were bound to have to play us every year but FSU didn't chicken sh*t out and drop us even though we were all in different conferences years ago.

UF did and that's why they're pu**ies and always will be

That's why I respect that fact about them, but other than that can't stand them and wouldn't bat and eye if they were given the death penalty tomorrow
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That mutual respect goes back to our glory years where it appeared that every year we played each others with a national championship at stake.

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I have zero respect and admiration for both uf and fsu.
When our program has been down in the dumps, often because of NCAA issues, fans, coaches, players, and
everyone else associated with those two schools did all they could to make sure we remained in the dumps.
They dog-piled on us.
So, yes, total, unequivocal, hatred and contempt for both schools and north Florida as well.
May that entire region have a permanent outbreak of eBola and Bubonic plague.
I hate'em both...

With FSU, I look to forward to playing them every year & hope we beat the dog**** out'em (even though it hasn't happened in awhile lol).

I can't stand UF though... I utterly despise them, they're the weakest team in College football & the biggest pussies in sports.

Don't get it twisted, I got no love for FSU at all... But UF, smh... It's like a religious type hate, I genuinely cannot stand them.
Majority of the posters on 247 are in the mold of those suit and tie wearing faqqots during the alfredo error
fsux and Ufag can both suck the sweat off of my balls. I hate both and respect neither. I hate fsu more though, uf is like a little snotty brother. Neither will ever equal or come close to being The Miami Hurricanes.
FSU = Chinese food sh#t
UF= Taco Bell with extra hot sauce sh#t

Either way, they both are sh#t, but Taco Bell is Taco Bell, which is like..............

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I have zero respect and admiration for both uf and fsu.
When our program has been down in the dumps, often because of NCAA issues, fans, coaches, players, and
everyone else associated with those two schools did all they could to make sure we remained in the dumps.
They dog-piled on us.
So, yes, total, unequivocal, hatred and contempt for both schools ...


and north Florida as well. May that entire region have a permanent outbreak of eBola and Bubonic plague.

Majority of the posters on 247 are in the mold of those suit and tie wearing faqqots during the alfredo error

Yep, they are those special group of cuck-whisperers who claim to respect fsu because they always played us.
Well, they played us in every sport because they were uf's little state school brother, so they needed us by their side so they can have some sort
of recruiting presence in south Florida.
It is the same reason they lobbied for us hard to get into the ACC.
They are as much a friend of us as the guy across the street who is always in your house when your wife is home.
Coach Bowden always gave UM their props at the end of the game whether FSU won or lost......

I personally tolerate the Noles for that, but I will hate the Gatahs even in my afterlife........
UF acts like playing us only benefits us and not them. They have a "I'm better than you" attitude. So while I absolutely hate both fan bases, I respect the FSU program and not UF's. That school thinks they're the Ivy League of the south east and a gift from the football gods.

They were the last school out of the big three to win a title but they act like they're doing us a favor every time they schedule Miami in football

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