What happened to Al Golden's firesale?

Why does everyone think payne will get cut? we need cb depth and he was supposed to be a good player coming out of STA and is only a redshirt freshman, plenty of time to show what hes got
Why does everyone think payne will get cut? we need cb depth and he was supposed to be a good player coming out of STA and is only a redshirt freshman, plenty of time to show what hes got

All reports I've heard were not good.

He couldn't get on the field this year and our CB situation was a mess, I think that says a lot about him as a prospect.
Whatever happened to Stephen Plein?

Steven Plein suffered a career ending injury. He is allowed to stay on scholarship but he no longer can play football and his scholarship does not count towards our numbers.

See Darrel Arlene and Blake Ayles (couple of other's but I'm drawing a blank at the moment).
Why does everyone think payne will get cut? we need cb depth and he was supposed to be a good player coming out of STA and is only a redshirt freshman, plenty of time to show what hes got

None of us want him to be cut. But this guy has been a ghost, not even a Greentree Practice All American, not a word about him in two years here, despite our horrendous CB depth problems. Finnie has already passed him and Payne has also been associated with the cancer crew led by Storm and Travis Williams who are no longer on the team. Right now, he is just a body taking up space on the roster. We've got 4 CBs committed, plus we're still going after Howard, and AJL/Waters might also end up at CB - this right there should tell you all you need to know about what the coaches think of our existing CBs.

But yes, in an ideal world, Payne steps up and turns into a stud starter, because God knows we need SOMEONE to step up at CB.
Perhaps there is value in waiting until the NCAA announces its punishment for UM. If we cut roster spots before the NCAA takes ships away, I wonder if they are counted against the punishment. Whereas, if we wait until the ncaa passes its judgement from on high, then perhaps we can cut some fat and count it against the ship reductions.

Just a thought.
Perhaps there is value in waiting until the NCAA announces its punishment for UM. If we cut roster spots before the NCAA takes ships away, I wonder if they are counted against the punishment. Whereas, if we wait until the ncaa passes its judgement from on high, then perhaps we can cut some fat and count it against the ship reductions.

Just a thought.

I agree. If these kids are conducting themselves well on the practice field, in the classroom and within the community, then there is absolutely no reason to force these kids out the door. Every team needs scout team kids. If we go down to 75 scholarship then scout will developly hurt.
Why does everyone think payne will get cut? we need cb depth and he was supposed to be a good player coming out of STA and is only a redshirt freshman, plenty of time to show what hes got

All reports I've heard were not good.

He couldn't get on the field this year and our CB situation was a mess, I think that says a lot about him as a prospect.

No it doesnt, he is a freshman.

Only an idiot coach would put a player in the game to waste a year for him when he isnt ready. That is truly a dumbass comment, sorry

Now you may end up being right about him sucking, but basing it on that logic is just terrible analysis.