You're could easily be proven right. But I always approach every position group assuming at least 1 guy will miss time due to injury, and possibly 2. Then I ask myself if we're still a playoff caliber team. Obviously, with QB, most teams including Miami need to roll the dice. But at every other position, championship teams have enough depth to cover. Do we?
What happens if Fletcher or Lyle get injured during camp or early in the season? Maybe the other guy is able to hold up over 13-16 games as the primary ball carrier. I wouldn't count on it. So then we're relying on CWH and Pringle, which could easily cost us a game. And what happens if, knock on wood, both our starters are injured at the same time. That's happened at least a couple times over the past decade. I assume you move Lofton over. But then who the heck plays TE?
From a playoff planning perspective, yeah, I do think Allen is a loss.