What does this article say?

Out of curiosity.

Wouldn't we have to announce AD before announcing mario as head coach? Also manny has to be fired.

Is it one announcement?
The first ever hey guys thsnks manny see ya, ok next order of business here’s rad and finally heres his first hire Mario. Mario stand for a pic w a jersey next. To rad. Manny cry outsidr of the shot
The first ever hey guys thsnks manny see ya, ok next order of business here’s rad and finally heres his first hire Mario. Mario stand for a pic w a jersey next. To rad. Manny cry outsidr of the shot
Lol that's what it feels like.
If you want to blame anyone you blame Mike Ryan. He keeps his mouth shut and this a day full of people asking "where's Dan?". Instead Mr. I want to do whats best for the program got some news he couldn't help but spread.
I still don’t know his method for this today, the plan was always Monday , it’s confusing but I won’t hate on the one guy in media who’s been accurate on everything the last two weeks. While the others have lied or posted pure bs only because they couldn’t get info.
AD, too?

Or are we going to have to wait a few more days for that announcement?
AD just needed signed and announced as of last night , some expected today for that to happen . I have some ideas why their might be a holdup but that’s just my theory. If I had to say it still happens but I won’t guarantee that one like other things in the past lol.
I am most interested to see how in the **** they are going to coordinate the firing of the current coach, the hiring of the next, and maybe the AD as well. What order, the messaging, who delivers it. I cannot wait to see how they finish digging out of this hole.
I was told it would be early in the week , likely Monday. If I were guessing it’ll be manny in the am and Mario later on. Once again “ a guess “.
I was told it would be early in the week , likely Monday. If I were guessing it’ll be manny in the am and Mario later on. Once again “ a guess “.
The order does not matter to me as long as it all gets done. You gave the logical order but in the grand scheme just get it done.
the level of sabotage and the level of fake news and fake insiders desperate to be relevant, or to say something important or to stay relevant is unprecedent.

there needs to be a reckoning after this ordeal to establish who is full of chit and who isn't. by the way, the legacy media was already irrelevant, now they are obsolete.
What got sabotaged? The only thing it did was drive a segment of our fan base nuts.
I saw him mention earlier that the assistant coach budget is legit. 4m just for coordinators.

I meant more for extra assistants past the on-field guys. That's something that has really separated us from the upper echelon...we've been spending good money on oc/DC already
I was told it would be early in the week , likely Monday. If I were guessing it’ll be manny in the am and Mario later on. Once again “ a guess “.
The most sense would be announcing AD > fire Diaz > Hire Mario
I am most interested to see how in the **** they are going to coordinate the firing of the current coach, the hiring of the next, and maybe the AD as well. What order, the messaging, who delivers it. I cannot wait to see how they finish digging out of this hole.
Manny introduces Mario to the team, while he is hugging his box full of desk essentials.