What does it say ?

Harley is not coming. If he was staying home, the announcement would be done. The only reason a hometown offer waits to commit is if they are going elsewhere so they don't have to deal with the barrage of hate. Is what it is, wish him well in commercial real estate while Cory Holmes carves out at 3 year career with bears amassing 16 catches next year

He'd be God blessed and "go get yours, homie'd" all day and night by the cumbags down here. They celebrate traitors like Jeudy down here.

Harley is not coming. If he was staying home, the announcement would be done. The only reason a hometown offer waits to commit is if they are going elsewhere so they don't have to deal with the barrage of hate. Is what it is, wish him well in commercial real estate while Cory Holmes carves out at 3 year career with bears amassing 16 catches next year

He'd be God blessed and "go get yours, homie'd" all day and night by the cumbags down here. They celebrate traitors like Jeudy down here.

Yeah....makes me puke when people try to be politically correct with recruits down in South Florida when they play Miami then throw up the 305 like they're trying to represent.

Personally, I don't get why people are so down on Bama (I hate Saban). But that fanbase has it right. You spurn Bama or Auburn for the other school or an out of the state school, you better not ever go back to your home town.
Harley is not coming. If he was staying home, the announcement would be done. The only reason a hometown offer waits to commit is if they are going elsewhere so they don't have to deal with the barrage of hate. Is what it is, wish him well in commercial real estate while Cory Holmes carves out at 3 year career with bears amassing 16 catches next year

He'd be God blessed and "go get yours, homie'd" all day and night by the cumbags down here. They celebrate traitors like Jeudy down here.

Yeah....makes me puke when people try to be politically correct with recruits down in South Florida when they play Miami then throw up the 305 like they're trying to represent.

Personally, I don't get why people are so down on Bama (I hate Saban). But that fanbase has it right. You spurn Bama or Auburn for the other school or an out of the state school, you better not ever go back to your home town.

I have to agree. It's well known that Miami is somewhat unique in college football in that it is in a major city with all four pro sports so it is treated like a pro team. Even USC isn't on that level as LA just got its first NFL team years. With pros, it's usually not a big deal if a player gets signed by another team, it's a business decision. Doesn't make him a traitor (LeBron aside). In college football, you should rep your city. It's where you grew up and played high school ball, that's your home. You want to go play elsewhere, you give up the right to call Miami home. If players felt that they would be viewed as sell out cowards for going up north and would not be welcomed back, more might feel compelled to stay home.
So whoever wrote that slop just copied Pete?

That Ivins dude is a moron. He steady says some dumb ****. He's the one who said jeudy wasn't coming than once he did he said he's just trying to flip henderson
He's a fake. These fakes just suddenly pop up out of nowhere and they know every little inside detail around UM. ******* snake oil shysters the whole lot of them.
I'm rolling the dice on the Sacramento pipeline and adding Falo as a surprise.

[MENTION=9116]Rellyrell[/MENTION]... Enlighten our friend in the ways of the Polynesian
[MENTION=9338]RVACane[/MENTION]: he'll find out soon enough.

And lol at the "Sac pipeline." One player from there does not equate pipeline. Now if DJ winds up being successful (and he will, I'm assuming) and he goes back home as the man from his city, then we may be able to open up a pipeline there. Right now we got one recruit from there who's brother happens to be a Canes fan
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I'm rolling the dice on the Sacramento pipeline and adding Falo as a surprise.

[MENTION=9116]Rellyrell[/MENTION]... Enlighten our friend in the ways of the Polynesian
[MENTION=9338]RVACane[/MENTION]: he'll find out soon enough.

And lol at the "Sac pipeline." One player from there does not equate pipeline. Now if DJ winds up being successful (and he will, I'm assuming) and he goes back home as the man from his city, then we may be able to open up a pipeline there. Right now we got one recruit from there who's brother happens to be a Canes fan

Asante Cleveland and Kelvin Cain were both from that area. If that's not enough for a kid to commit in 2017 then I don't know what is. Yeahhh, maybe pipeline was a bit aggressive....not that people don't start using that term here when some far away program plucks one or two South Florida kids.
I'm rolling the dice on the Sacramento pipeline and adding Falo as a surprise.

[MENTION=9116]Rellyrell[/MENTION]... Enlighten our friend in the ways of the Polynesian
[MENTION=9338]RVACane[/MENTION]: he'll find out soon enough.

And lol at the "Sac pipeline." One player from there does not equate pipeline. Now if DJ winds up being successful (and he will, I'm assuming) and he goes back home as the man from his city, then we may be able to open up a pipeline there. Right now we got one recruit from there who's brother happens to be a Canes fan

Asante Cleveland and Kelvin Cain were both from that area. If that's not enough for a kid to commit in 2017 then I don't know what is. Yeahhh, maybe pipeline was a bit aggressive....not that people don't start using that term here when some far away program plucks one or two South Florida kids.

My bad Tad, didn't realize I was replying to ur post. But we ain't getting Falo...Sac pipeline or not. We have to open up a Polynesian pipeline in order for that to happen. Hopefully he'll be the domino, but I highly doubt it.
I'm rolling the dice on the Sacramento pipeline and adding Falo as a surprise.

[MENTION=9116]Rellyrell[/MENTION]... Enlighten our friend in the ways of the Polynesian
[MENTION=9338]RVACane[/MENTION]: he'll find out soon enough.

And lol at the "Sac pipeline." One player from there does not equate pipeline. Now if DJ winds up being successful (and he will, I'm assuming) and he goes back home as the man from his city, then we may be able to open up a pipeline there. Right now we got one recruit from there who's brother happens to be a Canes fan

Asante Cleveland and Kelvin Cain were both from that area. If that's not enough for a kid to commit in 2017 then I don't know what is. Yeahhh, maybe pipeline was a bit aggressive....not that people don't start using that term here when some far away program plucks one or two South Florida kids.

My bad Tad, didn't realize I was replying to ur post. But we ain't getting Falo...Sac pipeline or not. We have to open up a Polynesian pipeline in order for that to happen. Hopefully he'll be the domino, but I highly doubt it.

As Rell explained to me the other day, we have no Polynesian support system -community, coaches...etc... Very difficult to pull those kids from places out West.
[MENTION=9116]Rellyrell[/MENTION]... Enlighten our friend in the ways of the Polynesian
[MENTION=9338]RVACane[/MENTION]: he'll find out soon enough.

And lol at the "Sac pipeline." One player from there does not equate pipeline. Now if DJ winds up being successful (and he will, I'm assuming) and he goes back home as the man from his city, then we may be able to open up a pipeline there. Right now we got one recruit from there who's brother happens to be a Canes fan

Asante Cleveland and Kelvin Cain were both from that area. If that's not enough for a kid to commit in 2017 then I don't know what is. Yeahhh, maybe pipeline was a bit aggressive....not that people don't start using that term here when some far away program plucks one or two South Florida kids.

My bad Tad, didn't realize I was replying to ur post. But we ain't getting Falo...Sac pipeline or not. We have to open up a Polynesian pipeline in order for that to happen. Hopefully he'll be the domino, but I highly doubt it.

As Rell explained to me the other day, we have no Polynesian support system -community, coaches...etc... Very difficult to pull those kids from places out West.

Ahhh, gotcha. I bet hiring a Poly coach would end up being something Rick does by accident too instead of something he actively seeks to do- ie hires some guy that he respects his football acumen that just happens to be of that lineage. Unless they actively think they're gonna get Falo and don't and then Kool being on the west coast a lot suggests that we try to establish an "in" with that community. I guess you and Rell are right though that it'd probably take lucking into a kid like Falo and then that kid acts as a domino.

It's really one of the few communities/geographies that we haven't ever tapped into. I mean we were even destroying Canada for a while there. Then again I can't really think of any other east coast schools that have either. UVA is obviously going to try but if they continue to suck it might be an irrelevant effort.
[MENTION=9338]RVACane[/MENTION]: he'll find out soon enough.

And lol at the "Sac pipeline." One player from there does not equate pipeline. Now if DJ winds up being successful (and he will, I'm assuming) and he goes back home as the man from his city, then we may be able to open up a pipeline there. Right now we got one recruit from there who's brother happens to be a Canes fan

Asante Cleveland and Kelvin Cain were both from that area. If that's not enough for a kid to commit in 2017 then I don't know what is. Yeahhh, maybe pipeline was a bit aggressive....not that people don't start using that term here when some far away program plucks one or two South Florida kids.

My bad Tad, didn't realize I was replying to ur post. But we ain't getting Falo...Sac pipeline or not. We have to open up a Polynesian pipeline in order for that to happen. Hopefully he'll be the domino, but I highly doubt it.

As Rell explained to me the other day, we have no Polynesian support system -community, coaches...etc... Very difficult to pull those kids from places out West.

Ahhh, gotcha. I bet hiring a Poly coach would end up being something Rick does by accident too instead of something he actively seeks to do- ie hires some guy that he respects his football acumen that just happens to be of that lineage. Unless they actively think they're gonna get Falo and don't and then Kool being on the west coast a lot suggests that we try to establish an "in" with that community. I guess you and Rell are right though that it'd probably take lucking into a kid like Falo and then that kid acts as a domino.

It's really one of the few communities/geographies that we haven't ever tapped into. I mean we were even destroying Canada for a while there. Then again I can't really think of any other east coast schools that have either. UVA is obviously going to try but if they continue to suck it might be an irrelevant effort.

I was like you hoping for this kid and Relly gave me the Polynesian lowdown which I get. I live a little over an hour from Charlottesville and there's not a Polynesian community that I'm aware of but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a guy on staff since he brought a bunch of coaches with him.
Does Virginia Tech have a Polynesian support system and community? Is that how they got the guy who plays LB for them?
Does Virginia Tech have a Polynesian support system and community? Is that how they got the guy who plays LB for them?

I believe he grew up in the Tidewater (VA) area, and he's a military brat, so he does have some ties to the state.
We got the legendary Mai Kai restaurant and bar here in Fort Lauderdale. So we have some Polynesian footing.