He said he called it, but he hardly took the blame. He said one of his players didn’t block the right guy so it didn’t work.


“I just have a feeling that I didn’t do a very good job for our team, with our team, giving them the best opportunity to be successful,” Saban said. “I always feel that way, even sometimes when we win, I think there’s things we could do better or that I could have done better. "
He said he called it, but he hardly took the blame. He said one of his players didn’t block the right guy so it didn’t work.
Dumb comment by Saban. As if running a holder with the KICKER as as lead blocker into that defensive line would ever be successful.

Terrible play call there. Clemson was not fooled so if you're gonna go for it have your offensive starters on the field.
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Kirby's fake was dumb. Faking a punt on 4th and 15 from midfield when the game is on the line and Alabama left their base defense out there. Saban took a chance because his defense was struggling against Clemson's offense.

“I just have a feeling that I didn’t do a very good job for our team, with our team, giving them the best opportunity to be successful,” Saban said. “I always feel that way, even sometimes when we win, I think there’s things we could do better or that I could have done better. "

Sure that’s a general sentiment. But this thread is about the fake FG and he addressed that specifically as I stated.
He said he called it, but he hardly took the blame. He said one of his players didn’t block the right guy so it didn’t work.

So Nick Saban blamed a player for...

wait for it....

:richt:poor execution?
So many surprisingly bad calls. Almost every 4th down call was a head scratcher. A QB sweep at the 6 against a team with that much speed? Had no chance to work.
I thought this was an option IF they got the look they needed. So some responsibility goes to the players involved to properly identify what they are looking for. That said it was a very basic call and not the best play considering how far back they were from the first down marker.
Saban coached desperate all night. He knew that game was over early.

True. Saban let everyone know this with over 9 minutes before halftime when he went on 4th down from their own 35. Converted it, but they had obviously recognized they couldn't stop Clemson's offense and needed to score at a high pace to have a chance.
Kirby's fake was dumb. Faking a punt on 4th and 15 from midfield when the game is on the line and Alabama left their base defense out there. Saban took a chance because his defense was struggling against Clemson's offense.
And Kirby faked a punt just for the **** of it? C'mon man...
The best visual was the kicker running ahead to block for the holder, looked like he was going to bulldoze the D lineman, then when up close, pulled back and touched the guy with his two fingers and quickly turned around to witness the carnage he allowed behind him. Priceless.