What’s our record next year after 3 games? 🥺

The only one I'm uncertain about is Wagner who may play Manny very close.

The other two are certain losses.... if we continue the current trends
I fully expect 10-2 next year....I think MSU and Virginia beat us. Could fully be wrong and we go 4 and 8 with an interim HC....but I expect this offseason to be a rallying cry, the players love Manny. They hated Enos. They know they are fighting for his job. Lashlee will score. Defense will be good enough versus teams it should beat. We get beat in ACC Ship and probably bowl game. 2020 the year #WeBack
Unfortunately I fall in lock step with your prediction. One can hope that we finish the season 10-2, it would help with 2021 recruiting immensely if we showed the **** show was turned around. I’m not advocating a pass for Manny nor Blake - it would just be nice after the beat down of last season to have something to enjoy for once again
Unfortunately, 3-0. Weak schedule may let Manny skate again..
Poor Lashlee. What daunting task he’s been handed. Enos, with the help of Manuela and BJ, has left behind loaded diapers as land mines to navigate around. All bets are off, but if they are wins it’s only because of Lashlee, and in spite of Manuela.
Wagner’s DB will come to the sidelines and tell the coach our receivers are a bunch of soft *** &@&$&@ and they will proceed to a very mild upset of the Canes.

0-3 and Jake Blames extends Manudo’s contract because of the Cloud or rebuild
UAB will be a tougher game for Miami than Michigan state will be
Winning cures everything. 4-0. Team isn't truly that much better, but legit kicking, one year older OL plus a softy soft schedule fixes the locker room. Torches are put away for a while.