What’s the buzz regarding our D

I can’t stand people calling for immediate change without understanding how life works.
JFC, nothing “immediate “ about this dumpster fire defense. Started out like the Wright Bros. and ended up like the Hindenburg. In the real world if you s**k at your job they S**tcan you. In CFB it’s 3x faster. Just sayin”

JFC, nothing “immediate “ about this dumpster fire defense. Started out like the Wright Bros. and ended up like the Hindenburg. In the real world if you s**k at your job they S**tcan you. In CFB it’s 3x faster. Just sayin”
That’s not how the “real” world works. Every company is filled with inept people who never get fired. At most companies it’s takes time, and a PIP, to fire someone.

Harassment is no longer an issue. Mel just completed a two year beat your **** into submission rehab. Note: Mario w crossed arms in background scouting him
JFC, nothing “immediate “ about this dumpster fire defense. Started out like the Wright Bros. and ended up like the Hindenburg. In the real world if you s**k at your job they S**tcan you. In CFB it’s 3x faster. Just sayin”
You just plain are not being objective. Anyone getting fired completes their shift, otherwise the boss is left shorthanded. Too many moving parts to axe someone before a job is complete.
The public relations stuff and lack of fast movement is gonna be the killer for coach. Stuff moves at light speed and he's ice skating uphill with some aspects.
You just plain are not being objective. Anyone getting fired completes their shift, otherwise the boss is left shorthanded. Too many moving parts to axe someone before a job is complete.
My Dude, my guess is you have never been walked out by security. When you’re fired, it’s hit the road and don’t look back. If you show back up, security call the POPO. What F**king planet do you live on.Here’s the thing EVERYONE IS REPLACEABLE. Even the “Boss”. JFC, are you in middle school.
That’s not how the “real” world works. Every company is filled with inept people who never get fired. At most companies it’s takes time, and a PIP, to fire someone.
Really, at my workplace you **** up( sleep, fight, put a patient in danger, expose yourself, make a threat) you’re done walked out, fired immediately. Where do you work, Pu**yville?
He should have been s**tcanned after Syracuse. Or, after it was determined we were out of the playoff. Play the Bowl with interim and start the search or at least let CFB know
we were open for business. A lot of teams have done it before. But, with the portal and recruiting these guys are scared S**t less they’ll lose a kid bc they fired a coach. JFC.
Talking heads say that's the move in order to see what is at hand with the other assistants - if any are worthy of a promotion.
My Dude, my guess is you have never been walked out by security. When you’re fired, it’s hit the road and don’t look back. If you show back up, security call the POPO. What F**king planet do you live on.Here’s the thing EVERYONE IS REPLACEABLE. Even the “Boss”. JFC, are you in middle school.
You are correct in that I have never been walked out by security. However, the time I was fired? At the end of my shift. Also, anyone I know escorted by security was typically not done first thing in the morning either. Typically towards the end of the day.
Am I in middle school? No. In fact I have to fire and evict people in my life. You don’t fire people when there is no back up ready to do all the heavy lifting.
Really, at my workplace you **** up( sleep, fight, put a patient in danger, expose yourself, make a threat) you’re done walked out, fired immediately. Where do you work, Pu**yville?
Well the things you described are very different than being bad at your job, which is the issue with Guidry and the crux of your original argument.
And I think we’ve seen over the past several years that people who were sexual predators at the workplace often don’t get fired.
**** I worked at a company where a senior team member got drunk (after hours) at the office, had *** with a junior member of staff and rubbed his own **** on the walls and he wasn’t fired. They told him couldn’t drink at work anymore.
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