We have to change our philosophy to keep Miami kids home

The SEC is just filthy in recruiting.

These kids are leaving to go to rural country living- Knoxville, Tuscaloosa, Auburn, Athens, Baton Rouge, and Trailerhassee (FAMU I know).

Do we not know how to drop bags, give out cars, or new girlfriends/associates without a trail of evidence?

Can we spy on an SEC team(s) and learn how?

We will continue this mediocrity if we try to play squeaky clean. NCAA will not truly investigate the SEC. Ole Miss is only being investigated because Saban and Emmert were snitching to each other.

We got to get a 50K stadium and put that revenue into the homes of these savages or handlers.

I'm waiting to be attacked :-). I read waaay more than I post often for a reason. Can't wait for 2016 season to see if we've progressed to a 9+ win football team. 2017 recruiting - another roller coaster I'm sure.

Nevin Shapiro says hi..


The SEC is just filthy in recruiting.

These kids are leaving to go to rural country living- Knoxville, Tuscaloosa, Auburn, Athens, Baton Rouge, and Trailerhassee (FAMU I know).

Do we not know how to drop bags, give out cars, or new girlfriends/associates without a trail of evidence?

Can we spy on an SEC team(s) and learn how?

We will continue this mediocrity if we try to play squeaky clean. NCAA will not truly investigate the SEC. Ole Miss is only being investigated because Saban and Emmert were snitching to each other.

We got to get a 50K stadium and put that revenue into the homes of these savages or handlers.

I'm waiting to be attacked :-). I read waaay more than I post often for a reason. Can't wait for 2016 season to see if we've progressed to a 9+ win football team. 2017 recruiting - another roller coaster I'm sure.

The best peni you had in and around your mouth and **** today...what color was it?
Many of these po-dunk towns provide a much better college football atmosphere than Miami does. Miami has nightlife and the beach. We have some of the most beautiful women in the world but they don't even know who you are. They're too busy chasing Marlins, Heat and Dolphins players. There's plenty stuff to do in a place like Knoxville...like...Go to class, play football, bang a new groupie every day.

If you're a football player in one of these towns you're the man. In Miami you're just a small fish. We're a large city with 3 major franchises and countless celebrity residents.

Which is exactly why USC (SoCal) is so terrible at recruiting. Those guys never land any 5 stars because how can they compete with Los Angeles nightlife
The SEC is just filthy in recruiting.

These kids are leaving to go to rural country living- Knoxville, Tuscaloosa, Auburn, Athens, Baton Rouge, and Trailerhassee (FAMU I know).

Do we not know how to drop bags, give out cars, or new girlfriends/associates without a trail of evidence?

Can we spy on an SEC team(s) and learn how?

We will continue this mediocrity if we try to play squeaky clean. NCAA will not truly investigate the SEC. Ole Miss is only being investigated because Saban and Emmert were snitching to each other.

We got to get a 50K stadium and put that revenue into the homes of these savages or handlers.

I'm waiting to be attacked :-). I read waaay more than I post often for a reason. Can't wait for 2016 season to see if we've progressed to a 9+ win football team. 2017 recruiting - another roller coaster I'm sure.

The best ***** you had in and around your mouth and **** today...what color was it?

The SEC is just filthy in recruiting.

These kids are leaving to go to rural country living- Knoxville, Tuscaloosa, Auburn, Athens, Baton Rouge, and Trailerhassee (FAMU I know).

Do we not know how to drop bags, give out cars, or new girlfriends/associates without a trail of evidence?

Can we spy on an SEC team(s) and learn how?

We will continue this mediocrity if we try to play squeaky clean. NCAA will not truly investigate the SEC. Ole Miss is only being investigated because Saban and Emmert were snitching to each other.

We got to get a 50K stadium and put that revenue into the homes of these savages or handlers.

I'm waiting to be attacked :-). I read waaay more than I post often for a reason. Can't wait for 2016 season to see if we've progressed to a 9+ win football team. 2017 recruiting - another roller coaster I'm sure.

Agree on pretty much all these points. There is no god**** reason any recruit from our area should be going to some rural shlthole except for the bagmen.

Right, winning counts for nothing. Playing in what is perceived to be the best conference counts for nothing.

Of course that is a factor. If I'm leaving South Florida to some unfamiliar college town, I would prefer my dolla bills to be coupled with a winning program and coach.

Winning for us is almost everything if we are ever to going to recruit in that stratosphere.

Now, as for UT getting 2 good ones from us this year so late...your going to have to explain to me how "winning" played the major role there.


UT getting those two isn't surprising to me at all.

Byrd had his best friend who lives with him already on board there. They trip together, have a blast, and look at one another knowing they can do this for another four or five years. Richt and company only had so much time at him while Byrd was familiar with UT's staff for much longer through not only himself, but association Fils.

Williams, basically the same deal with Richt. I don't know that UT was that far behind in their contact with him if behind at all since coaches can't comment on it. He took a trip to us and then, he obviously liked something more. I figured once Bruce was on board, there was.a good possibility this would happen. I'm not saying he's scared of competition, but there's only so many passes to go around.

I'm not sure winning mattered for with either in this case. For other guys, i think it would've been a factor though.

Seems like wanting to follow a friend played a big roll with Byrd, and who knows about whatshisname. Look, sometimes it's money. Sometimes it's winning. Sometimes it's family. This isn't a one size fits kind of thing, so why try to ascribe every **** loss to the same thing? Oh, and get over the idea that south Florida is the most amazing place on earth and that only retards would want to leave it. Some kids want to get away. given the rough circumstances some of these kids have growing up, can you blame them for wanting to get out? Maybe a college town with nothing else's going on sounds great to some of them. Just like we sometimes get kids who want to leave the country or the west coast or the north east.
The approach should be you offer and accept commitments from even the second best players in the state b/c those kids are still good enough to win you games and will provide depth.

When you put all your eggs in the basket of all american diva kids, and they leave you high and dry, your numbers and depth get ****ed, and by then the tier 2 dudes already are headed to Louisville or WVU where they ball out.

I think Miami coaches for too long have cared way way too much about minute differences in playing ability. In other words, there are kids that might not be as good as Byrd, but they have the potential to be just as good if you coach them up. Those are the kids that historically Miami recruited and did well with.

A team full of B+ level South Florida kids with a few 4 and 5 stars and tremendous depth, competition, and coaching, will stomp on most any team in the country. It's a fact. You can't approach recruiting here like it's some big SEC school with boosters to seal the deal and sorority hoes to fvck recruits. Not gonna happen, ever.

You gotta approach this ish differently, and hopefull Richt understands that he can't do things like it's UGA bc it doesn't work here.