Waters says he's solid regardless of teammate Burgess

Also hearing from one of the other Semper Fi participants that Burgess has been an absolute animal out there.

I would say these practices and games do matter....first chance to stack them up against other D1 level prospects.

he's not better than kirby or northrup so we're alright..

While this may be true, we still need to build depth. Also, I would be less worried if we knew who the backup recruits were for these guys. We have Kirby, Northrup, and Witt, who else? Adding Brown and Burgess would have been a stupendous pull, but now they will be replaced with some type of plan C or D kid. It is never good to lose these types of recruits.
Still hoping he decides to be a Cane like his father. I really don't think there was a question as to whether he could play or we would not have offered him. He'll add weight the same as Beason and Vilma.
Supposedly he put a status up on his Facebook that he will make his final choice January 25th. Lol Wtf.