Washington Twins Commit

Me too. And 3 stars.

FLY THE **** PLANE!!!!
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Im rounding up some high powered boosters, we're making the call to Kyle Whittingham!!

"Twins are the most commonly-occurring multiple gestation and are either identical or fraternal, according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
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(ACOG). Identical twins develop from one fertilized egg and can share the same placenta and have two separate or, rarely, one amniotic sac; fraternal twins develop from two separate eggs and grow in their own amniotic sac, according to the ACOG.

Identical twins have the same DNA, and are usually expected to develop at the same rate during the gestation period, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health
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Fraternal twins have individual DNA and can develop differently, according to the HHS. Fraternal twins are no more alike than any other siblings, and this type of multiple gestation can be a particular concern for health care providers because of their varying developmental rate, according to the HHS."
So fraternal then, thank you. All the nonsense on here, it's hard to believe you're the only one with enough free time to answer my question.
Weaver twins about 20 years ago to my memory.

Ah yes, good memory. I remember Jarrell, was a solid LB. Can't recall his brothers name will have to Google it later but I do somewhat remember him too.

I also forgot until this thread how much of a ****e show that ACT thing was with Bobby Washington back in the day. With someone like Cristobal that's a non-issue though.
Played QB and RB mostly and moved around 3 schools in 3 years so doesn’t seem to have much of a wow tape. Then he gets down to Miami and moves to LB after the suggestion of his coaches cause he too physical, athletic, and quick. Most programs, as well as Miami, will see who Bobby Washington is this upcoming season and will probably knock at the door a lil harder. Kid is really pushing 6’3 bout 215. He could easily play around the 6’3 240s. I read also that he and his brother are about a tie as far as speed.

Really liked his athletic ability. Good instincts and a violent hitter. Solid in coverage.

He is still a little raw at linebacker. Glad to hear he just started there. He has all the tools and played the position well without a lot of experience.

I really like what he brings coming off the edge. He should develop well under this staff.

He is a big pull in himself. With his brother? Lord have mercy.
Played QB and RB mostly and moved around 3 schools in 3 years so doesn’t seem to have much of a wow tape. Then he gets down to Miami and moves to LB after the suggestion of his coaches cause he too physical, athletic, and quick. Most programs, as well as Miami, will see who Bobby Washington is this upcoming season and will probably knock at the door a lil harder. Kid is really pushing 6’3 bout 215. He could easily play around the 6’3 240s. I read also that he and his brother are about a tie as far as speed.
No way they are the same speed wise! If so Bobby is the steal of this class no matter who joins in!!!