Washington starting LG Nate Kalepo commits to ole miss

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The OriginalCane thinks he is a genius. His voluminous posts rarely convey anything useful.

if you block him you will have a much better experience on this site.


So you've read my voluminous posts and yet act like you block me.

Good stuff. Thanks for your participation.

Your lack of humility on full display. You don't have to say certain things. It's how you conduct yourself and deliver the information. I like both Cribby and Ghandi, appreciate their insight, and respect how it's delivered. You not so much.

You can appreciate this, since you're so southern.


3 cycles back Kiffin stated he will play the portal this way and save spots specifically for portal additions at a benefit. This was when Manny was playing it hard.
… chicken and egg dawg
Their avg rating was still 20th. So this isn’t just a numbers thing.
There sure is a great deal of soft shouldered intolerant pussies on this board. Everything doesn't have to be (black/mope) and (white/slurp.) There's a grey area where someone can look at things logically and be realistic about the situation. Mario leaves a lot to be desired on gameday and also needs to up his portal game. It's okay to state facts. Very dumb comparison also using a known misrepresented statement by the media. Fox News sucks *** also by the way and is propaganda like the rest. Your subtle ****** jokes stereotyping all the South as racist is getting old to. Get some new material.
Without getting too political what news are you watching that isn’t outright liberal cow-toeing and progressive **** slobbing?

I recognize FOXs very conservative agenda and can recognize when they’re laying it on thick, but CNN, MSNBC, and all the other news channels NBC, ABC, CBS either completely ignore news or try their darndest to turn every conservative into a racist, ****, brainwashed domestic terrorist.

I’m an independent libertarian who leans slightly conservative. But “woke” progressives in this country have lost their mind.
Without getting too political what news are you watching that isn’t outright liberal cow-toeing and progressive **** slobbing?

I recognize FOXs very conservative agenda and can recognize when they’re laying it on thick, but CNN, MSNBC, and all the other news channels NBC, ABC, CBS either completely ignore news or try their darndest to turn every conservative into a racist, ****, brainwashed domestic terrorist.

I’m an independent libertarian who leans slightly conservative. But “woke” progressives in this country have lost their mind.
What a way to just cap off this thread.
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