Washington cornerback Jabbar Muhammad has entered the transfer portal

This dude is a legit stud. A difference maker at the position.

I think so far Miami has added three difference makers ( guys that will start+ play at high level):

Elijah Alston
Zach Carpenter
Marley Cook

Clark and Riley are close imo.. but I think the above three will be very productive here. If Muhammed comes he's #1 on that list. If there was ever a time to throw a bag...
I think Clark will make more of an impact then Cook.

This dude is a legit stud. A difference maker at the position.

I think so far Miami has added three difference makers ( guys that will start+ play at high level):

Elijah Alston
Zach Carpenter
Marley Cook

Clark and Riley are close imo.. but I think the above three will be very productive here. If Muhammed comes he's #1 on that list. If there was ever a time to throw a bag...
Man you left out Poffenburger ...😆
"wE d0n'T hAv3 aNy r👀m"
Another sad excuse pumped out of the Hecht for insiders to regurgitate to the masses.

Translation: We’re missing in the portal at certain spots, which then leads to the “they’re happy with the guys they have” comments so fans don’t get upset.

Rule #1 of talent acquisition: you always make room for a player that upgrades the roster. Didn’t D$ say something along those lines with certain HS guys late in the ESD cycle? That we’d “make room” for certain players if they wanted in? Mario has never shied away from that.
247 update

“Since entering the portal, programs like Tennessee, Miami, USC, Ole Miss and Penn State reached out. Texas and Oregon went in home with Muhammad over the weekend, and there’s interest from DeBoer in having Muhammad come with him to Tuscaloosa.”