Ward to the league...or maybe not...who the **** knows...but seriously...what the **** else better do you have to do?

You are a pathetic and sad loser.

You were "singled out" by multiple posters. Because your posts were terrible. I was not the only person you fake ***-bashed.

You are the softest, weakest crybaby. "Singled out".

No. You. Weren't.

I'm done with you. The Maudes can see what you are doing, and I'm not going to keep giving you oxygen.
Hey, do you ever make it to any canes games? I'd love to meet up and have a beer

My terrible post that was spot on? Why would I go after cribby? He didn't single me out and call me trash because of my opinion. You poor poor man. Cry more

So you are uninterested in calling out "insiders" who were wrong.

You are more interested in fighting with people (or just one person out of many) who rebutted your posts?

Keep telling us the truth about yourself. It's fun.
Apfenny been saying that since he was at Washington State.

My history will show I wanted ward for the splash it would make. But thought Howard is a better fit. Doesn't look like we get him either.

Closest to Howard would be a KJ? Unless there's another unnamed qb.

Just get us something. Something to win 9/10
some of you acting like Cam Ward is a HOFer.

Dude is a good college QB who overvalued his worth and is going to find out in April.

Will Howard is still available even though he has been CB’ed to 2 different teams in the last two weeks. Ever stop to think why?
Yes - he’s been waiting so that he can get paid more $$$……….by Ohio State.
Hey, do you ever make it to any canes games? I'd love to meet up and have a beer

Ah, yes, the obligatory threat of violence. The same as your fake "I didn't realize that all my *** jokes were *** jokes" nonsense.

I've been a season ticketholder, as a student or alum, for decades. And you won't do anything, you'll never follow through.
So you are uninterested in calling out "insiders" who were wrong.

You are more interested in fighting with people (or just one person out of many) who rebutted your posts?

Keep telling us the truth about yourself. It's fun.
One more time because I guess you're slow. I wouldn't have cared if you said you disagreed with me or said you thought I was wrong. The first thing out of your mouth was my opinion was **** and my posts are trash. That's why I'm singling you out.
Ah, yes, the obligatory threat of violence. The same as your fake "I didn't realize that all my *** jokes were *** jokes" nonsense.

I've been a season ticketholder, as a student or alum, for decades. And you won't do anything, you'll never follow through.
What violence? Nothing in that post is violent. You're ****ed in the head dude
The fact that idiots are blaming Mario for this, as if he could put a gun to the guy's head, and force him to show up is something else. I don't believe for a second that Mario entered this without a backup plan. Ward is off the board, now other things can happen, and Miami is likely working the second and third options. Apparently it's KJ and Malachi, but who knows what else is out there.
the knocks on the insiders is ridic. everyone wants a glimmer of ANY possible inside info and yet if these dudes are wrong about it, some of yall just go on full rere mode and begin to attack. These dudes hit more often than not and really don't need to spill the beans at all.
There’s a sense of entitlement with some that’s mind boggling. Talk about a lack of self-awareness.
Mario gonna Mario. That they're now reaching out to KJ and Nelson seems to indicate that they did in fact put all their chips in on one guy and blew their chance at other options.

You knew the longer this dragged on the less likely it would be that we land Ward. Welp - guess it's time to figure out plan B.
Another one down
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