Warchant Members Smell What Richt Is Cookig

I hate FSU fans, but I respeck FSU fans. My neighbor is a FSU alum and fan. Dude always said we were one play away from being great and he's counting his days til when we go on a 6-7 game winning streak against them. I think this is finally the year.

One of my good friends/co-worker is lifelong nole but a realist and admits he is worried and thinks its a matter of time before we run a streak up on them. Good times!

reading both the UF tears thread and this one just p*ss me off even more... F* their fans.. they talk as if they have always been this superior program to us.... 5 TIME NATIONAL CHAMPS FOOLS!!!!! **** i hope we bury these fools for a long time....
I was the same way when they did it when we had Shannon.....this is the same thing but its us now
I'm surprised any of those morons have the sense to be worried about how close we came with a talent gap and terrible coaching. I'm so looking forward to kicking their tooth right down their collective gullet.

They know.

And while I'd love to beat FSU like a rented mule every year - at least they kept playing us. FSU didn't hire Shalala.

The Gators? I despise.

FSU? I respect - but I want to beat them every year, game after game, and savor the victories like a good cigar.
There's always been a bit more of respect in the Seminole fan base for us than the turds. They're more like the brother we've grown to hate/love. I enjoy the rivalry better for the mutual respect. Gaytor fans have and will always be delusional about where they stand and about what we can do... which is why even Golden could beat them.