Tough crowd around here.
That's great for the high schools. But we don't have it. So we can either continue to mock ourselves and criticize the attempt to improve or we can put our money where our mouths are and contribute to the fund and be part of the solution.
I believe his point is the school should be funding this. The merchandising alone brings the U a lot of money. They should be investing in the athletic programs, specifically the football program. I know its hip on here to say we can't afford this and that, but that is pure BS. If Shalala put her money raising skills on the football program we would be impressed.
that's not how it works. unless the university has money donated directly to athletics or they raise the athletic fee, they cannot use the university's general funds for athletics. you can lose federal and state funding over that (yes, we receive both, just not as much state money as the state schools). the athletic department already gets the money from the collegiate licensing company over use of the logo. what you have to realize is that football and basketball are the only 2 sports that make money and they have to cover the expenses of 14 other sports and all of their athletes. the department is really poor compared to most major d1 schools. the reason that alabama, fsu, and lsu have such good funding isn't because the university pours money into them, it's because they take in all of the revenue from their home stadiums and their boosters throw insane amounts of cash at them. that's why booster associations hold so much power over the athletic departments.
I know that, hence the victory fund. My point is this should have been around a lot longer. Shalala is excellent at raising funds. It is one of the reasons she was hired.
But now there is a fund to support athletics and people are *****ing because it is not $100 million or include a plan for Cowboy's Stadium on the lake.
Why you so angry?