Valdosta H.S. fined & sanctioned. UPDATE: More fun and games....

Well they have evidence. Parents has provided texts and other means of evidence to support the claims Rush said. They paid rent for one player that was staying alone in an apartment. That leaves a paper trail
They have evidence cause they went looking for it. These coaches, school admin, teachers all have mad dirty on them in that state. Rush went to where he shouldn’t have gone and that’s help UM. If anybody thinks that Rush is the first coach to do what he did your dumb AF. He wasn’t careless about it. Paper trail? There’s always a **** paper trail but no one in that state goes looking cause no one in that states cares or GAF to go after the sec pipeline.
He helped UM out!! He even said he had multiple sec coaches inquire about Garcia while we sat here arguing about if he was even good enough for us.
Garcia signs with an sec school and we don’t here sht about anything.

I've heard directly from 3 HS coaches I trust very well & they all to a man have said to me that UGA is the DIRTIEST program in college football when it comes to paying players.

Lots of schools do it, practically all of them, but Kirby Dumbass & his regime are the most egregious recruiting cheaters in the country bar none.

I've even heard they're worse than Bama, Oh St & Clemson. LSU & TAMU are pretty dirty as well, Auburn used get their hands pretty dirty for certain prospects they really wanted, but those other schools pale in comparison to UGA.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this. I mean those are the top paying schools and they finish in the top 5 recruiting yearly. We cheat to but not at that level.....and some say we don't do anything I doubt that all schools do it.
They have evidence cause they went looking for it. These coaches, school admin, teachers all have mad dirty on them in that state. Rush went to where he shouldn’t have gone and that’s help UM. If anybody thinks that Rush is the first coach to do what he did your dumb AF. He wasn’t careless about it. Paper trail? There’s always a **** paper trail but no one in that state goes looking cause no one in that states cares or GAF to go after the sec pipeline.
He helped UM out!! He even said he had multiple sec coaches inquire about Garcia while we sat here arguing about if he was even good enough for us.
Garcia signs with an sec school and we don’t here sht about anything.
Ok. Huge Rush fan huh?
I’m trying to understand something here.

1- How did Rush help Miami?

2- How is it Rush’s fault? He didn’t know he was being recorded.

Clearly they went looking for dirt and found it because we all know Rush is the high school version of Ron Meyer. But I agree with the poster who said if you dig you find dirt. And imagine what SEC schools do? Of course. It’s selective enforcement
Coaches been paying mommas rent and league fees down in south Florida since orange bowl youth league days..
I got a good amount of SEGA money for big plays back in the day.
Tampa Plant had an entire apt complex owned by Dungy for players to "live in."
How did Sedrick Irvin wind up at Miami High again? Rumor was always mom got a job.
Lakeland, Armwood, Southridge baseball, who else has had people living with other families and/or in fake addresses?
Well they have evidence. Parents has provided texts and other means of evidence to support the claims Rush said. They paid rent for one player that was staying alone in an apartment. That leaves a paper trail
Does that apply to Valdosta High players or the Bama/GA activity?
I've heard directly from 3 HS coaches I trust very well & they all to a man have said to me that UGA is the DIRTIEST program in college football when it comes to paying players.

Lots of schools do it, practically all of them, but Kirby Dumbass & his regime are the most egregious recruiting cheaters in the country bar none.

I've even heard they're worse than Bama, Oh St & Clemson. LSU & TAMU are pretty dirty as well, Auburn used get their hands pretty dirty for certain prospects they really wanted, but those other schools pale in comparison to UGA.
LSU 100%. I know that for a fact.
But Valdosta can hire **** near any HS coach in the Country with what they pay, but they hired Him...why?
That’s exactly my point. Dude already had baggage.
I don’t know the man personally all we know is that everybody says that he’s dirty. But nobody cared when he was at Valdosta one of the premier programs in that state. Everyone seemed to be on board and cheering him on.
Everyrhing was kosher until Garcia pulled the trigger. Then parents boosters and people started coming out the woodwork with texts and recordings and sht.
They went after him for Garcia but are hush about Sony and all the sht he said about the money men in that recording. Yes they were mad about Garcia but then became even more upset when he ratted them out.
Maybe he ratted him out as a bargaining chip.

All those boosters from that school and all the people that were involved in that situation, do you think any single one of them were UM fans?
You bring in some kid from the west coast and he sits your starter down, wins state, and he chooses UM???
No way that sht didn’t sting up there.

Could you imagine the west bringing in some
I've heard directly from 3 HS coaches I trust very well & they all to a man have said to me that UGA is the DIRTIEST program in college football when it comes to paying players.

Lots of schools do it, practically all of them, but Kirby Dumbass & his regime are the most egregious recruiting cheaters in the country bar none.

I've even heard they're worse than Bama, Oh St & Clemson. LSU & TAMU are pretty dirty as well, Auburn used get their hands pretty dirty for certain prospects they really wanted, but those other schools pale in comparison to UGA.
Lots of jealous coaches and jealous fans of Uga and Bama would not say a thing if there team was on top...Uga suspended two of their all time best Todd Gurley and ac Green after internal investigations revealing just autograph signatures for pay for a relative few dollars...hearsay’s will not even holdup in court.....Kirby is probably the best recruiting head coach in the game and if their position coaches cannot recruit he fires them...folks that know Kirby personally highly respect him for being genuine and very intelligent...only on fan boards do I hear anything negative ...
about him... somebody needs to ask tyrique Stevenson recruited under the nose of Miami he a liar..
From everything I have ever heard or read about Rush Probst it certainly seems like he would be in ideal coach for an SEC school. He wins and he has no problem with cheating to win. All he needs to do is keep his mouth shut.
Lots of jealous coaches and jealous fans of Uga and Bama would not say a thing if there team was on top...Uga suspended two of their all time best Todd Gurley and ac Green after internal investigations revealing just autograph signatures for pay for a relative few dollars...hearsay’s will not even holdup in court.....Kirby is probably the best recruiting head coach in the game and if their position coaches cannot recruit he fires them...folks that know Kirby personally highly respect him for being genuine and very intelligent...only on fan boards do I hear anything negative ...
about him... somebody needs to ask tyrique Stevenson recruited under the nose of Miami he a liar..
Did not Gurley and Green play for Richt? Much different era and a reason their big time boosters tired of Mark. So Tennessee cheats, Ole Miss, cheats, LSU cheats, the whole conference cheats, but not UGA? They come out of nowhere and pull in Top 5 classes because Smart is genuine.
Does that apply to Valdosta High players or the Bama/GA activity?
Just high school. Nobody in Georgia will talk about UGA paying players unless they are forced to by the government. When I say these people will hurt you and your family I mean it. I been in Georgia all my life and these country boys will kill for UGA. Nobody will talk unless forced