Updates on two WR targets -- Thomas and Pouncey

We have 4 offers out to WR's right now.

1.Devonta Smith
2.Jeff Thomas
3.Jordan Puncey
4.Evidence Njoku

We will take all 4 if they accept.

I do not suspect we will take a last minute plan B guy like our old freidn Golden liked to do.

If we land only 2 of 4, I think we take Corey Holmes.

If we miss on Thomas, then we need to try and get Truitt. Honestly, I have said this before, but Holmes should literally be our last call.

Problem I see is..we cant take Truitt, Pouncey, Thomas, Harley, Holmes and Njuku. I think if Harley is out..we go hard for Thomas..if Thomas is out..I think we go all in to make Truitt know we want him here.

I think Holmes scholie depends on what Pouncey does.

Smith gets in no matter what anyone does.

If Thomas jumps before Harley...I think we tell Harley goodbye.

My point is I think we really only take 3 WRs (including transfers) in this cycle unless DSmith wants in and he would be the 4th.

Agreed. Don't see why we'd take Holmes if we get Pouncey.

Holmes is a one year rental.

A rental that breaks down on the side of the road 20 miles from your house.
so Pouncey committing after his visit this weekend? Richt already did his in-home so you got to think they went for the knock out so he doesn't visit anywhere else after this weekend.

Pouncey is committing via video on Feb 1 he had made

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4 hour drive or 20 minute flight? Easy choice.