Uncle Luke finally has something nice to say about UM...

Morgan Freeman Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

But still, **** him! ⏸️🐾
I’ll give him a little credit.. he’s been vocal about the program and has never been scared to speak his mind and does a lot for these kids and community.

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While I don’t like some of the stuff he’s done - I think we can agree that the coaching staffs before Mario dropped the ball a lot and deserved criticism.

I am 100% behind the effort Mario is putting into the program. I think by the 25’ class we will see that the long game has paid off. Hopefully we won’t see talents like Cooper and Jeudy leaving anymore. Hopefully it’s not to late with Jeremiah Smith.
In spite of the Luke’s of the world…
Morgan Freeman Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

But still, **** him! ⏸️🐾
I’ll give him a little credit.. he’s been vocal about the program and has never been scared to speak his mind and does a lot for these kids and community.
This… and perception is reality to those who perceive it. He’s plugged in to the soil. He’s a double edged sword for sure… but we much rather have advocating for our program than FSU or anyone else for that matter.

As much as we hate it his opinion holds weight. Mario knows how to handle him and it appears Luke has a good amount out respect for Mario so let’s rock out and reap the benefits
Let's see him keep that same energy when/if Mario doesn't offer a ship to someone Unc thinks deserves it. I'll never forgive him over the Ryan Collins stunt.
That's exactly it. Luke will start trash-talking the second he doesn't like something Mario does. Doesn't matter how small, he'll stab Mario/UM in the back at the drop of a hat.
That's exactly it. Luke will start trash-talking the second he doesn't like something Mario does. Doesn't matter how small, he'll stab Mario/UM in the back at the drop of a hat.

So..he's vocal about what he likes, and vocal about what he dislikes. Y'all don't like Luke cuz he doesn't hold back his opinions?
He called out staff's for not following up on their word. Now he's giving credit where credit is due. He gave then credit last year too, when he wasn't complaining about them helping central get national players.

Edit: Also, he doesn't "push kids to rival schools". He's a coach. His job is to get kids to the next level. He pushes kids to camp at as many schools that'll take them as he should. You expect him to just have kids stay at home with their dix in their hand if UM doesn't give them camp invites?
I don't expect him to tell kids to stay home if Miami doesn't call, but I don't think that's where we're at with him. I'm not plugged in, but from where I'm sitting it looks like he absolutely pushes kids to other schools and bashes Miami as he does it. When it comes to kids we want, he's had nice things to say about fsu and other schools but not us. Then he claims it's because Miami has done something to show they don't deserve to get these kids. I'd be absolutely shocked if it didn't turn out he bases his opinions on who's willing to pay him. I'm sure he tells himself as long as they get to play football it's all the same to the kids, but he looks pretty self-serving to me. It just seems like he talks trash about Miami and not other schools while claiming to be a Miami fan.
I don't expect him to tell kids to stay home if Miami doesn't call, but I don't think that's where we're at with him. I'm not plugged in, but from where I'm sitting it looks like he absolutely pushes kids to other schools and bashes Miami as he does it. When it comes to kids we want, he's had nice things to say about fsu and other schools but not us. Then he claims it's because Miami has done something to show they don't deserve to get these kids. I'd be absolutely shocked if it didn't turn out he bases his opinions on who's willing to pay him. I'm sure he tells himself as long as they get to play football it's all the same to the kids, but he looks pretty self-serving to me. It just seems like he talks trash about Miami and not other schools while claiming to be a Miami fan.

That's because people tend to ignore **** he says ever since the "start the black QB" fiasco. He's praise all his liberty city kids, ton of praises for Cook and Duke Johnson. But people only see the negative lol
I don’t need to hear anything he has to say about anything ever again, **** him in his sister’s ***

“If they don’t start Ryan Collins, the University of Miami will get the death penalty. I will tell all. I will tell everything I know to the NCAA. If he doesn’t go out there for the first play versus UCLA, I’ll give you all the violations from 1986 to last year. As of now, I don’t know anything. I’m stupid. But if Ryan doesn’t start, [coach) Butch [Davis) is going to wish he never took that job.”

Sure sounds like a huge supporter to me. Luke may be a great guy and I'm sure he's done a ton for the community. But you don't say **** like this and get to keep your fan card imo.
That's because people tend to ignore **** he says ever since the "start the black QB" fiasco. He's praise all his liberty city kids, ton of praises for Cook and Duke Johnson. But people only see the negative lol
just stop brah.

The luke thing is dug in on here.

It is what it is, he is what he is.

You not gonna change any minds here in regards to him.
I’m shocked he complimented anyone at UM and props to Mario for not just talking about the work but leading by example and putting it in.

That said, F Luke bc that guy will stab Mario in the back the moment he doesn’t recruit one of his 2 star kids but will ride Prime or Saban for offering one 5-star kid.
So..he's vocal about what he likes, and vocal about what he dislikes. Y'all don't like Luke cuz he doesn't hold back his opinions?
No i don’t like him because he d-i-c-k rode timmy Brewster to the end of earth

Looked like a straight clown

We’re talking timmy brewster here.

“If they don’t start Ryan Collins, the University of Miami will get the death penalty. I will tell all. I will tell everything I know to the NCAA. If he doesn’t go out there for the first play versus UCLA, I’ll give you all the violations from 1986 to last year. As of now, I don’t know anything. I’m stupid. But if Ryan doesn’t start, [coach) Butch [Davis) is going to wish he never took that job.”

Sure sounds like a huge supporter to me. Luke may be a great guy and I'm sure he's done a ton for the community. But you don't say **** like this and get to keep your fan card imo.
Butch hates that MFer to this day. Just what Butch needed at that time...
*Marlin Barnes (and GF) Murders...on campus no less...
*Sports Illustrated calling for UM to end program...
*Time Magazine calling Miami worst place to live....
* 31 Schollies taken
* No Bowl or TV for a yr...
* Then this Azzwipe threatens the program...
Just pile on you Gap tooth MFer....F Luke...
Knowing Luther as I do it'll be something racist
He the og to me...but yea he plays that card a sh*t ton. LOL

Im forever bias to the guy cause he from my area, is from my same (Nationality) Bahamas, and i seen him help a ton of ppl, and always showed love to me whenever I saw him.

Coach Jube from Central was about to get on him a few weeks back.

I dont take nothin he post on twitter serious the majority of the time. Hes trolling. Deep down though hes a cane fan.